Broken Arrow [Open]

Sep 16, 2009 00:20

After having his shoulder and Achilles tendon cared for in the medbay, Sam--under armed guard--had been brought back to the precinct and placed back into detention. Laying back on his cot, with his hand tucked under his head, he was lost in thought. Questions flooded his mind. Second guesses. Things he should have done differently at different moments. Wondering why he didn't see the decoy for what it was, a ploy to flush him and the rest of the conspirators out into the open. He'd missed it. He'd missed it all.

Now, not only was the Yeerk still alive--meaning that Sam and others had failed--but people had gotten hurt. He hadn't been able to see any faces, not until they'd taken him up to the medbay to treat him. But, when he got their he saw three people, two he recognized. Chaucer, the innocent author from way back in Earth's history. Stature, the girl who had stood between him and the person Schmuz was infesting when he reappeared. The last woman he didn't recognize. But, given the way Leon was hovering over her, she was clearly important to him.

At least three people were seriously wounded, not counting Jo who Sam had shot mid-range with a round of rock-salt, and not only did Sam have nothing--no dead Yeerk--to show for it, but they were all his fault.

ghanima atreides, katara, cybil bennett, xander, !status: open, sam winchester, !location: the precinct

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