Just a little last minute practice... [closed; bendytimed to before the fighting]

Sep 08, 2009 02:03

The program Leela has called up in the Sensoriums is gorgeous. It's a little monastery/dojo, on a hilly cliffside bluff, overlooking a turqouise sea. The building is ornately carved, with curtains in pale reds, oranges and yellows, and far beyond it is a city unlike any other. The harbor city of Matihafa, in the country of Baht Wahid. Beautiful ships with unfurled colored sails and brightly-colored flags float in and out of the harbor, and little boats sail through the canals that serve as most of the city's "streets."

The lighthouse on another bluff is just as ornately designed, with something of a pagoda design to it, and a clear crystal chamber at the top.

It's the sort of city that's described as having the streets "paved in gold"--and it's possible some of them are, at least once you're in the palace proper.

Where she is at right now is the monastery and training grounds, where there is equipment, practice dummies and a large square.

No mats. They'd trained on stone.

Leela is here, practicing, hitting strike points on a dummy, and preparing for the fight soon to come, intensely focused.

Before the girl at the door even says anything, Leela says, "You can come in," if he she knows ahead of time that she's there.

One of the joys of being a precog is being able to freak people out with stuff like that.

leela bricker, !location: sensoriums, katara, !status: closed

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