The trip down revealed that Taleen was going to be of several things, none of which were pleasant. Arid, pale with a light dusting of red from the rocks, and yellow-white grass that extended in plains all the way towards far off mountains . There was a giant gash in the land near the orb landing area, which resolved itself into a massive canyon as
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She'd brought some tools out with her, mostly various size shovels and brushes, to help with the excavation, but, as she laid out her tools, she found herself very nervous. What if she did something wrong? Deciding quickly that it might be best to ask for advice, she looked around. A man that she didn't recognize was approaching, so she smiled and called to him. "Hello? Sir?"
(OOC: If I'm doing this wrong then please let me know. Thanks.)
Her eyes darted back to the tools laid out in front of her at his question as her mind came back to the situation at hand. She smiled a bit worriedly. "I've never really done anything like this before, so I was wondering if you might be able to give me a few tips. I'd like to learn."
Captain Eneesh mirrored him, her secondary set of arms crossed over her chest as she twitched at him in irritation. "Where's your mate, Jamiemcrimmon? I should be talking to him,"
She looked down at him over her mandibles like he was inferior stock. Apparently all that time apart and her opinion of Jamie's new "mate" hadn't improved seeing as he still hadn't got the hang of shaving off a useless few inches. Considering how long it'd been since they last saw each other, she thought he had no excuse at all, the Too Old For This Captain looking even more her advanced age as she shook and twitched that insect head of hers, weaving from side to side and clicking, agitated that Jamiemcrimmon hadn't whipped this thing into shape yet. The nerve! Talking back to her"I'm as good as ( ... )
Now he was on a dig without anything remotely appropriate to protect his eyes from the sun damage.
His optometrist was going to kill him if he ever got back.
The Doctor looked both a little unhappy to be attached to an archaeological dig, and offended by whatever Captain Eneesh just said. The Captain, he noticed, was being a lot more helpful, barking out orders at the other crew and helping out on occasion as she made her rounds at the growing base camp.
"What was that all about?"
He grumbled and hemmed and hawwed to himself, annoyed and quite happy letting Daniel Jackson know just what he thought about that. He looked the human over. Boonie hat, military clothes (he did like the vest -- the rest, not so much) and over all, as good shape as could be expected. He liked that about humans. Bounce back from anything, humanity. The bouncy balls of the universe! Only with, well...more hair and glasses and on-and-off-again taste in hats and anyway, he was sure Daniel Jackson was here to talk about Something and if it was Gallifrey again, he couldn't expect to get too far with those questions. The Doctor smiled at Daniel as he stepped away from wreckage half sticking out of the wall ( ... )
That wasn't what had him upset at the moment, though. It wasn't even entirely that he had signed himself up for what was likely to be a very dull, stupid venture for a Time Lord who wasn't obsessed with humanity. It was hot here, and dusty, and it didn't help the residual throbbing in his head any. He couldn't help looking up at the sky, which clearly threatened another meteoric event any day now.
"Oh, perfect timing, as always," he muttered to himself. Still, he was hoping he could get what he'd come for-- any useful technology to smuggle back aboard Stacy... and another crack at this Daniel Jackson's head.
He turned. Then he paused. For one long, pained second, Daniel took in what the other man (John wasn't it? From the library?) was wearing. A frown crossed the archaeologist's face. He hoped this wasn't John's idea of a joke, because it wasn't funny. How many times had first years admitted to him that they'd really gotten into archaeology because of Indiana Jones, of all people. It wasn't even like the movies were right, in fact, it portrayed the complete opposite of what archaeology was. ( ... )
He noticed Daniel's eyes looking him up and down, and gave him a wide smile that was not completely forced. Ah, someone truly 'appreciated' the outfit he'd gone to such lengths to procure.
"Not at all... Daniel, was it? I'm happy to be here," the Master said through his teeth. "Just a little worried about the weather, if you know what I mean." He peered at the other man with shrewd eyes even as he spoke affably, wondering just how much Daniel remembered of their previous encounter besides the alias he'd given.
It wasn't like he was extremely particular about the title, but there was something about John that rubbed Daniel the wrong way. Maybe the sense of arrogance he got off the man the last time they talked. It probably had everything to do with the way he'd talked down to Daniel about not knowing about the works of Sha'kk-sper, like someone from 90's Earth was ignorant for apparently not being either extremely well traveled in the universe or able to go to the 45th century. Stargate or not, they hadn't found a way to jump time just yet. He glanced up at the sky, namely at the specks of light that, if you didn't know what they were, or the danger, would have looked like especially bright stars. "We should be fine. Captain Eneesh is monitoring their approach. We'll be out of here before they hit ( ... )
The place looked empty, empty and abandoned. There was a tiny corner of his mind that still wondered if this ruin of a city was what Earth would look like, someday, if the Yeerks got their way. Nothing but a corpse, a remnant of something once full of life and laughter ( ... )
"Hey," he called, already looking out at the site of their work and dreading it. "Deserts are great places to work in a hurry, aren't they?"
"It's kinda creepy, isn't it? I mean, it's a dead city. But, for it to be here at all, there had to be people once. I wonder what happened to them?"
"It's hard to believe, that we're the last people who can process this information and try to fill in their story before it all disappears. We can't just capture and save it." He'd prefer more time, obviously, but they had mission parameters. "It could be a climate shift, or another violent act of nature like this one..."
She was, however, glad to help set up camp first. That gave her enough time to think about her options. Eventually, she ended up overlooking a large cave decorated with the remains of a civilization long gone in a language she could never really hope to understand.
Now it was just a question of what she should do next. Sofia had had her share of venturing into caverns and finding both treasure and lost civilizations, but somehow she had a feeling that this planet was definitely not like her own. But she couldn't deny that coming across something fantastic would certainly make her ( ... )
But this was neither here nor now. She looked at the BDUS in curiosity before speaking again. "It is a shame of what this planet's situation will do to everything."
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