The rest of the crew assembled on the Observation Deck to meet the latest editions to their numbers. After the revelation that their worlds are gone, many of them are even more eager to see people they knew from home.
Several people are set up near the doors to provide the new people with omnicoms and comm rings. New crew-mates might see a
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On the other side, there were some familiar faces she never wanted to see in this crowd. Ones that everyone was better off never meeting, since not all the people on her world struck her as the kind to unify in any effort outside of addressing their own personal needs.
Disappointed for the moment, she resolved to do what she could to start introducing herself to others. People had done so with her, and it'd helped her familiarize much faster than she would have otherwise. "This was all overwhelming for me at first," she said, flashing a small smile at one of the people who looked like they felt more out of place than those used to Stacy by now. "My name's Sakura Haruno." She offered the other woman her hand, not entirely sure if it was appropriate. She looked a little... on edge. Oh well. Nothing ventured, nothing learned.
"Welcome to Stacy, for what it's worth."
So far it wasn't necessary. "Doesn't feel that long, but it has to have been at least three or so. Don't see pink a lot where you're from?" She smiled, doing her best to keep her tone light and her expression amused.
She brushed a tendril of that very pink hair back behind her ear. "And thank you." For the compliment, if she didn't explicitly say so. She looked Miranda over, another question coming to mind. "Is there anything I can help you with?"
That question had nothing at all to do with her curiosity at what appeared to be yet another kind of uniform. Sakura wondered how many people came from collective forces back home.
She smiled, feeling like she should apologize. "What're their names?"
"I can help keep an eye out for them in here. It's possible they came out of the pods today as well, just from a different area or a slightly different time than you."
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