the days are sunny and so am i.

Sep 26, 2004 18:12

i really like living in birmingham. it is very centrally located and people always stop through on their way to where ever.

salar came in town and even though i couldn't stay long, it was still good to see everyone.

alex and leah came and stayed last night. i haven't seen him since he cut his hair. he looks so different.

i am oddly enough in a relationship again. how? i don't quite know. but it's fun. he is completely opposite of anyone i have ever dated. not quiet and reserved like i'm usually attracted to. i think that is why i like him. because he is sooo different from jason. we have hung out every day for the past two weeks and it hasn't been too much. how strange. especially for me, one who greatly values their alone time.
he comes off loud and obnoxious but is really a great guy with a good heart. this week i have gone to not only his soccer games (mens league) but also his kids games (he coaches a little kids team). which is great because i have actually gotten up early and spent time in the sun.

i think the thing i like the most about him is that he is a giver. he gives anything and everything without thinking twice about it. it is kinda weird because i am a giver and have only dated takers. but it's working. everything about the entire relationship is pure entertainment. we have similar attitudes because we both work in bars. he is flirty with girls and it's ok because i am flirty with guys. but neither of us mean anything by it and it is understood.

we are both frivolous with our money and impulse buyers so he is fun to go shopping with. target and world market are definitely 2 cart adventures.

we can go out bar hopping all night or stay in or go out separately and get housed then meet up later, and it's all fun. friday night we stayed in and cooked homemade chicken noodle soup, drank wine, listened to jazz and talked. i don't think i've laughed as much day-to-day as i have with him. i always used to notice those couples who were always smiling, looking each other in the eyes, laughing, walking hand in hand, kissing, and genuinely happy together. now i get to be one. and it's really exciting.

perhaps it is just a rebound since we both just recently got out of long term relationships and neither one of us is looking for anything serious. but for the time being i think it is great. it's actually fun. and that is what i need right now. i had forgotten what it's like to go out with someone without the night ending with screaming and tears. it's nice to wake up to coffee and kisses rather than grumpy morning faces and bad attitudes.

plus on top of everything else, he has a puppy. i get to vicariously have a dog. i love getting up and taking him for a walk or to the soccer fields. or getting him a bone when i'm at the store. i love the dog hair in my back seat. it makes me smile. and smiling is good for the soul. it makes you live longer...
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