will it ever end?

Mar 15, 2004 11:57

There is always time to do what you WANT to do.
There is never enough time to do what you NEED to do.

this is how i'm feeling this week.
i have disappeared off the face of the earth, but letting you all know that i am still alive and well.

a 25 minute presentation due wednesday. have i started? of course not.

a third of my grade depends on an exam thursday over 5 chapters roughly 60 pages long each. have i opened my book? of course not.

i think when this week is over and spring break begins, i will probably just collapse.

i had another 42 hour work week this past week. quite tiring but hopefully enough to pull me out of my financial diress. (jenn and sarah--sorry i missed you saturday, i worked a double and only got a 20 minute break)

i am tired. physically, mentally, and emotionally.

i hate that the only person who seems to be getting the blount of the reprocussions is jason.
he is wonderful and yet i continue to project my stress out onto him. why? because i am truly evil.

how many boyfriends out there would get up early every day just to pack your school bag for you and make you breakfast just so that you can sleep an extra 10 minutes?

or read your chapters for your presentation (before you have) so that they can put in a valid input when trying to help you get prepared?

or run out in the middle of the night because you are craving a cold mountain dew and a mounds bar?

he is truly being great and really helping me through all this.

i got a 95 on my personality exam. thursday is my last exam in all my classes until finals. i am holding strong. i think i have worked harder this semester than any other in my life. it doesn't sound like it but i am actually doing great in school for once. and it feels good to be proud of that.

my spain fund has gone to zero because i opted to pay off one of my credit cards in full. now i only have one left and it's not very high. hopefully i can make that money back so that i don't have to eat snails while in europe.

hope everyone is doing well.
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