Oh baby!

Nov 20, 2009 13:10

I got an ultrasound and had a doctor's appointment yesterday. The baby is measuring in the 85th percentile (with 50 being average) with a head and torso that measures in the 39th week; I am only 36 weeks. The weight was estimated to be around 6lbs. 11oz. right now. Ouch!

Also, I apparently have a LOT of amniotic fluid and have to get another, more detailed ultrasound on Tuesday to make sure nothing else is abnormal. They said if I was feeling bigger than my other pregnancies, this is why. It also explains the higher weight gain. My doc said that if my blood sugar test results weren't as good as they were, all signs would have pointed gestational diabetes.

In addition, my doc said I am also susceptible to preterm labor (which is only "preterm" for one more week), but he doesn't really care. He just told me that if my water breaks, to shove a towel between my legs (his words exactly) and get to the hospital right away since all the extra fluid could push the umbilical cord out.

Depending on my results and appointment on Tuesday, I could be put on restrictions at work, which, to be honest, would suck to find coverage, but be a relief to me physically. I am hoping he just puts me on shorter shifts and doesn't pull me entirely. We really can't afford that and I do have some sick time I could use. We'll see. I'll probably just suck it up and work since it's retail at holiday and pray that I don't go into labor during a rush. That would be some of my partners' worst nightmares. (misscelestia- I know you're reading this and cringing)
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