Gaming Update #4: AT2 + new layout (v3)

Mar 17, 2009 02:57

Sorry, the layout's kind of ugly this time. I kind of wanted a picture of "Hill of Metafalica" no matter what, so this was the result. Since no one made a wallpaper featuring this beautiful location, nor can I find a decent scan of it (even though I have the image in my artbook I can't scan it nicely anyways), I had to use whatever images I saved already and try to recreate that symbolic atmosphere.

Now I can look at this symbolic place as if I had my artbook with me at school, until I beat the game at least once or until my inspiration helps me to come up with something better.

Here are the layout details:
There are a lot of spoilers since this is inspired after I finished Phase 3 pretty much. Please read on at your own risk.
I didn't block out the lyrics because the CD (hence the lyrics) was technically released before the game.

The words are from the hymmnos lyrics that reflect the feelings of the hymn crystal, Implanta protrayed in the form of the hymn "METHOD_IMPLANTA/." Here is the section of the song that inspired this layout.

Original hymmnos lyrics + kanji lyrics + english translation by Lazy, full song lyrics found here (or here?):

(a section of this song)

Music by: Akiko Shikata
Arranged by: Akiko Shikata
Lyrics by: Noriko Mitose, Akiko Shikata
Performed by: Akiko Shikata

xN ree harr f.s. tes maoh ess ouvyu sechel/.
 刻を忘却せし廃墟の街に立ち 少女ラプランカはマオへと囁いた
Standing on the ruins of forgotten time, Rhaplanca whispered to Maoh

:/xO ree qejyu m.t.y.y. anw daedo/.
 「人は生命在る限り 醜い物ばかりを生み落とす
"Humans' lives are limited to just giving birth to ugly things"

Naave wEsLYN ayulsa sphaela/.
 故に恐れや不幸の無い 永遠の世界を創り上げた
Therefore they created an eternal world without anxiety or sorrow

xE rre vega a.u.k. ayulsa Asiance_qejyu/.
 此処こそが楽園 そして人の目指すべき唯一の希望の地」
"Here is the garden of happiness, its earth holding the desperate hope of everyone"

xN rre Maoh s.s.w. tie Rhaplanca enw h.k.t.t. has/.
 マオはラプランカを掻き抱き 彼女に告げた
Maoh held Rhaplanca and told her

:/Reta yorr tYAnU za j.d.r. goa Aujes_qejyu/.
"No matter how foolish people are, don't let yourself be apprehended

sYAIA Atutua_qujyu/.
There exist good hearts too within humans

Reta yorr hYArAnAt oucc/.
Come with me

xU yorr vUsUk 1000 Aujes_qehyu/.
The reflection of 1000 malices and lust in your eyes makes me feel sad

wYAfA za rYAfrm 1001 Atitia_qejyu en vYAsk yor/:
 貴女に1001の人間の美しい心を示したい そして触れ合ってほしく想う」
I want to reveal the 1001st beautiful heart to you, and I want it to touch your heart"

You can continue to read if you are never going to play it. Hopefully you can appreciate it as I do. =)
To put this inspiration into context:
EXEC_HAIBANATION/. (or in English it's EXEC_HIBERNATION/.) was sung and Infel Pira, the server that connected all the minds of I.P.D's is being hacked into and overwritten to allow space for the incoming souls. To carry out the Ascension Plan, this song was used. The plan would make everyone of Metafalss become spiritual beings, discarding their bodies (termed spirit migration). To convince all residents of the world to allow this, becoming spiritual beings would no longer get hurt by deep relationships, losing their loved ones, and everyone would be happy.

Even after Haibanation was stopped by the party and the Ascension Plan failed, the I.P.D's couldn't wake up because Infel Pira containing their minds was overwritten. Most of the people in Metafalss that are Reyvateils are I.P.D's so that constitutes a lot of people. Even aside from that, within the party there are I.P.D members and the main character Chroah will not stop until he finds out how to save them.

They find out there is a hymn crystal to restore Infel Pira back to its original state, kind of like pulling out a back up copy. This can be achieved by Implanta / Inplanter. So in the end, Chroche is the only one who can sing it. It was downloaded and she sang Implanta in her weak state to restore everyone in the world that has fallen from Haibanation.

The lyrics which mentioned losing hope in humans is symbolic of the feelings people had in the world and wished for Haibanation when offered to them. However, in the lyrics it also mentioned that there is still good left in humans this feeling is the feeling conveyed by Implanta. Hymn crystals only contain feelings and when downloaded are expressed into a song by the singer who feels the feelings first hand.

For your viewing pleasure if you aren't interested in playing but want to see/hear it:

Ar Tonelico II JPN - Gameplay 12 (Hymn ~ Implanta)
-- Japanese voices, Japanese subs
-- this scene in Japanese is equivalent to the scene beginning at 5:22 for the English clip below
-- lyrics section will be sung starting at 3:06 (it is sung in hymmnos)

SplitPlaythru: Ar Tonelico II - Melody of Metafalica US (119) Cloche becomes a savior
-- English voices, English subs (though all the voices were cut -_-)
-- related scene begins at 4:42 and the song begins at 6:17
-- lyrics section starts at 7:44

Related Posts:
-- Ar Tonelico lyrics + EXEC_HARMONIUS/. hymmnos lyrics @ 2008-11-29 18:35:00


I finally get to go home to play a bit more with what little time I have!! I managed to get to Phase 4 so I'm really happy. I highly doubt I can get to one of the endings before exams at this rate, which makes me a bit sad... since I'll definitely be cliffhanged before exams hahaha... which isn't going to be good...

I heard my favourite hymn of the game already so I'm really happy since I got to see it from my own game this time. They sure cut out a lot of stuff that I actually liked. T_T

-- Currently in the beginning of Phase 4
-- Infel Sphere - Lv 4A&B completed
-- Chroche's cosmosphere finished (locked out)
-- Luca's cosmosphere Lv 4 completed
-- RT3's cosmosphere Lv 4 completed
-- ending not locked yet
-- I.P.D contained count increased, after fighting three Lv.7 I.P.D's and others

Interesting Notes:
-- once again more Japanese references... "moe" was mentioned in one of the synthesis scenes =P
-- I really like how they used shop synthesis conversations/resting conversations to connect the first game and the second, it's totally acting as comic relief too since Lyner was such an idiot

lyrics, game, personal

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