導きのハーモニー 霜月はるか
Michibiki no Harmony
Shimotsuki Haruka
2010.04.14 ON SALE
01. 風の理 (PCゲーム「5 -ファイブ-」主題歌)
02. 瑠璃の鳥 (PCゲーム「殻ノ少女」主題歌)
03. Everywhere With You (PCゲーム「W.L.O.世界恋愛機構」久坂愛奈ED曲)
04. 想いのカナタ (PCゲーム「夏空カナタ」主題歌)
05. 始まりのstory (オンラインゲーム「メイプルストーリー」マンスリーテーマソング)
06. Snowdrop (PCゲーム「クロウカシス 七憑キノ贄」主題歌)
07. Blade of Tears (PS3ゲーム「クロスエッジ」主題歌)
08. 星の夢~Gathering the stars of love~ (PCゲーム「星空のメモリア -Wish upon a shooting star-」ED主題歌)
09. 楽園の鍵 (PCゲーム「君の中のパラディアーム」主題歌)
10. COSMOLAGOON (PS3ゲーム「トリニティ・ユニバース」主題歌)
11. たびだちのうた (ニンテンドーDSゲーム「魔女になる。」主題歌)
12. 永遠 (PCゲーム「5 -ファイブ-」ED主題歌)
13. so happy days (PCゲーム「タユタマ -It's happy days-」ED主題歌)
14. 眠りの果ての蒼い花 (サウンドストーリー「花想少女 ~ Lip-Aura ~」主題歌)
15. 導きのハーモニー
I heard track 2 before and I really loved it!! It's got a sad-like tone to it. Track 7 is from Cross Edge - a characteristic j-pop song, so I heard that one already. I will look forward to it! It's good she has these compilation / best albums because it's so hard sometimes to track her work separately... =P I'm looking forward to hearing this album!!
志方あきこ/祈りの彼方OVA「テイルズ オブ シンフォニア THE ANIMATION」テセアラ編EDテーマソング
Inori no Kanata
Shikata Akiko
※DVD「祈りの彼方」プロモーションビデオ(OVA「テイルズ オブ シンフォニア
THE ANIMATION」テセアラ編を編集したスペシャルPV)
I heard Tales of Symphonia: OVA Tethe'alla Arc's Opening sang by
Mizuki Nana - Tenkuu no Canaria 「天空のカナリア」It's amazing! Very Mizuki Nana-style like always, so I like it. =) Awwww..... there's not much Kratos anymore since Zelos has arrived in the story.... T_T It'll be very hard waiting for an episode every month like how it was with Tsubasa Chronicle's OVAs.... but I might just get it when the subs come out because I've been waiting for this for a long time! (Though obviously the game is way better than this you'd figure but still... we can hear them in their original Japanese voices!!! XD)
Hopefully I won't have to wait too, too long. The OVA first part comes out 2010.03.25 so the subs should be coming.... =) Shikata's song can be heard in
this trailer.
I've been listening to the Ar Tonelico 3 Original Soundtrack + hymmnos concerts for like 2.5 months and I finally found a new love when Final Fantasy XIII for NA came out so I've been listening to that soundtrack. Truly captivating, some tracks... maybe one day I will post about the tracks that I love for those two games.... =D