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Jun 19, 2012 06:59

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

Entry #: 3

Song Title: Disconnected

Artist: Keane

Album: Strangeland

Year: 2012

Video link:

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Blog: I just bought Keane’s new album, Strangeland, this week. Its weird, but I kinda hate getting a new CD by a band that I love because I’m always a bit worried that I won’t like it. I’m always really nervous doing that first listen through; what if I hate it? What if it’s a disappointment? What if it’s just not very good? I tend to get self-conscious on my favourite bands behalf - and I know that’s a bit silly, but that’s what I do. I’m the same with movies and my favourite actors.  I had a bad experience recently with Coldplay’s new album Mylo Xyloto. What a let down! There are a couple of okay tracks (Charlie Brown and Hurts like Heaven) but the rest is pretty average. And to be honest, Keane’s last album Night Train didn’t exactly set my world on fire. So it was with some trepidation that I listened to Strangeland for the first time . . . Thankfully it was not a disappointment, though it is an album that requires a few listens through to really get into it.  Hooray! They sound like Keane again!! I’ve liked Keane for a long time now. I love the poetic quality of their lyrics and the piano/drum dominance (although they’ve added guitar to the official line-up now and it fits in perfectly). And I love their take on love and relationships - never smulchy, always realistic, and very rarely with a ‘happy ever after’ anywhere in sight. Kean speaks to me. They sing my life. I hear my own experiences in their songs. Disconnected is another fantastic example of this. Good video too.  

keane, 100 things challenge, music

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