Yay! I upgraded my account as my Christmas present to myself! No more ads :) It's all i really wanted...
Have been enjoying
2maggie2 and co’s Notes on Buffy the Vampires Slayer immensely over the past few months; she’s up to
Passion and makes some interesting commentary on one of my favourite Buffyverse topics - Angel and Spike and their intersecting/diverging story arcs. Strudle notes; “These two characters -- so uneasily allied for the moment -- are complete opposites.” - Which is so true and got me getting listy in regard to these frequently compared characters.
This is not meant to be an 'Angel versus Spike' list, nor is it a ‘my vampire’s better than yours’ list; it’s just a list to demonstrate how different our two vampires really are and how where one displays one predominant trait, the other usually demonstrates the opposite. (Of course, these are general observations - it's not to say that one never displays traits on the other side of the column, I'm sure they do.) Juxtapositioning is fun too :)
Angel - Spike
Cursed - Chosen
Dark - Light
Order - Chaos
Thinking - Feeling
Introvert - Extrovert
Loved - Unloved
Astronaut - Caveman
Or is it…
Caveman - Astronaut?
Destiny - Free Will
Controlled - Impulsive
Divided - Reconciled
Amends - Redeemed
Rigid - Adaptable
Solitary - Pack-Oriented
Words - Actions
Stagnant - Change
Sedentary - Motion
Cautious - Reckless
Judicious - Opportunistic
Calculated - Ingenuous
Old-Fashioned - Modern
Dominant - Submissive
Alpha - Beta
Slow to learn - Quick to learn
Sacrificed by Force - Sacrificed by Choice
Descending - Ascending
Any more? . . . What have I missed?