From anti_racism: March on Jena - January 21

Jan 15, 2008 20:20

January 21st: Oppose the Lynch Mob Racists! No to Nooses! Free the Jena Six! We Want a Better World!

White Supremacists plan to march in Jena on Martin Luther King Day in 2008. On Martin Luther King day of all days, the one day that is supposed to be about the struggle of Black people, they are coming to march with Nooses! This is a call to people everywhere: On Monday January 21st, get to Jena! OPPOSE THE LYNCH MOB RACISTS!

Displaying nooses is a hateful and terrorizing message. These racists want to take us back to the days of lynch mobs murdering Black people in this country. Nooses are INTOLERABLE. Bring a sign, hang a poster, make a banner, get to Jena, SAY NO TO NOOSES!

The Jena High students said no to nooses hung at their school when they protested by standing underneath the “white only tree”. Then on September 20th, 2007 tens of thousands of people stood up, marching in Jena and around the country. People said Enough is Enough to the injustice in punishing Black youth who take a stand against racism. The white supremacists call Black youth criminals and thugs, they say, “Jail the Jena Six”. Let's say it loud again in Jena: FREE THE JENA SIX!

It is in response to September 20th and what that day achieved that white supremacists are lashing out, with a message that takes us back to the horrors of lynch mobs and segregation. When racism rears its ugly head, it is up to people everywhere white and Black, people of all nationalities, to take a stand. If you are against injustice and inequality, if you want racism to end... its up to you to voice it! If we don't speak up and stand up, this horrific message will go unopposed. If not us who? If not now when?

Protest in Jena on January 21st. Join people everywhere in politically opposing white supremacy and drowning out their message of hate with the message that WE WANT A BETTER WORLD.

January 21st Committee

Initial signatories:

* A group of 14 Jena residents Black and white, young and old, including two parents of the Jena Six
* Reverend Raymond Brown Community Activist, New Orleans
* William Winters, Baton Rouge Activist
* Student Organizers from University of California, PA and Howard University
* Alice Woodward and Hank Brown, Jena, LA correspondents for Revolution
* Herb Boyd, The Black World Today, NY,NY
* Don Rojas, The Black World Today, NY,NY
* Miky Espinal, NY organizer for Health & Hospital Workers Union 1199*
* Thomas Kleven, Professor of Law, Thurgood Marshall School of Law
* Idress Stelley Foundation
* Education Not Incarceration (SanFransisco Chapter)
* San Fransisco Bayview Free The Jena Six Task Force
* San Fransisco Village Voice Community Radio, 105.5 FM
* San Fransisco Bay view Campaign to End the Death Penalty
* Sess 4-5 Nuthin But Fire Records, New Orleans
* Cindy Sheehan, Candidate for Congress, California's 8th district, mother of KIA soldier Casey Sheehan
* 60 residents of Cabrini Green, Chicago
* C3 (Community, Concern, Compassion)/Hands Off Iberville, New Orleans
* Mayday New Orleans
* Don Paul, writer, musician, Housing is a Human Right, New Orleans

*For identification purposes only

Join us! This call is still in progress and we invite organizations, student groups, Jena residents and others to endorse.

Spread the word! Get out this call far and wide, support and build for January 21st!

Contact the committee:

racism, anti-racism

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