Another YAF sponsored hate fest

Apr 25, 2007 10:45

Murderer and abuser brought to campus; 5 Mexican/Chican@s arrested

Last week, on Thursday, April 19th, MSU's Young Americans for Freedom (for Fascists) and the MSU College Republicans brought Chris Simcox to speak on campus. Simcox is president of the notorious Minutemen Project, an armed vigilante organization that seeks down undocumented immigrants. Members have been implicated on charges of murder and assault against migrants crossing the U.S./Mexican border. The Minutemen also have documented ties to white supremacist organizations like the National Alliance and the Aryan Nations that openly recruit for the Project.

This video of a CNN report discusses how the Klu Klux Klan in particular has used the issue of illegal immigration to revive itself and bolster its recruitment efforts back to its 1960s level. It's chilling.

Chris Simcox himself has a history of committing child and relationship abuse. His ex wife testified to jumping out of a window with her young son in her arms because Simcox was throwing furniture at them. Two of Simcox’s former colleagues and his ex-wife report that Simcox sexually molested his teenage daughter. He has also been brought up on illegal weapons possession charges.

In response students and Lansing area community members came together for a counter-event, protesting both outside and inside the so-called 'public' event. This led to the arrest of 5 non-violent protesters, 4 of whom were MSU students, and all of whom were Xican@. It is important to note also that the majority of those protesting were white.

While the 5 arrested were released, 2 of them are being charged with felonies of resisting arrest. A witness at the event who was pinned down underneath one of the two charged has stated that this is not true and in fact was calmly stating to the arresting officer, "I am not resisting arrest." He later sought medical attention for suspected head injuries due to
rough treatment.

Likewise, the other man arrested was brutally picked up by his neck and mistreated; he was committing no crime.

YouTube videos of the event including the arrests
YAF brings Chris "I beat my wife" Simcox 9:54 - with written commentary for clarifications
Police Brutality at MSU 4:37 - not as detailed or clear

Several of the students and community members at the protest, along with MSU's MEXA, held a press conference the next day at the steps of the Administration Building to bring light to the racial profiling that they felt the police present at the event engaged in. The arrested students described what happened to them and several white protesters described how despite doing exactly the same things as those arrested (and at times being louder) and being told repeatedly to leave, none of them were arrested. The students presented their list of demands to the administration. The 3rd and 4th parts of the videos below are of Terry Denbow (university spokesperson) and Lee June (VP of student affairs) answering questions afterwards.

YouTube videos of the Press Conference including Administrator comments afterwards
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


Checks can be sent to:

Lansing Defense Fund
PO BOX 4794
East Lansing, MI

higher ed, haters, racism, immigration, police oppression

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