FtM in Spain recognized w/out surgery; Stanton on Larry King tonight; Imus fired; Savage still airs

Apr 13, 2007 10:44

Transsexual granted new legal identity without surgery

Pink News reports that 50 year-old Julio Cuesta is probably the first to benefit from a new law in Spain allowing trans folks to legally change their sex on documents without having to go through surgery. The change is now approved by providing letters from doctors indicating that they have gone through 2 years of hormone therapy and are indeed trans.

"There are thought to be up to 10,000 transsexual people in Spain."

Stanton on Larry King Live Tonight

For those with access to CNN, catch Stanton on Larry King Live tonight, probably announcing that there will be a lawsuit against the city of Largo, FL. The article says Stanton was to appear on Thursday, but I saw postings elsewhere that the airing of the interview got moved to today (Friday).

CBS fires racism row radio host

Rejoice! All I want to say about this is that major kudos goes out to the Rutger's women's basketball team for speaking up for themselves and voicing their anger and hurt so publicly. I think the courage they demonstrated and the ways they expressed themselves had a huge role to play in Imus' firing. They rule!

But it's still not enough!

Here I am copy-pasting the entirety (almost, with subtitle additions) of an entry from TransAdvocate. As we congratulate the Rutgers' team on Imus' firing, let's not also forget to call out those who are not as courageous as those players in taking public stands against hate speech. The comparisons on responses is very telling:

The hate speech
Ann Coulter - Called one man a faggot.

Don Imus - Called a team "nappy headed hoes".

Michael Savage - Called a murdered transwoman a psycho freak. "Yeah, process of becoming a woman - psychopath. [She] should have been in a back ward in a straitjacket for years, howling on major medication." "But you know what? You're never gonna make me respect the freak. I don't want to respect the freak. The freak ought to be glad that they're allowed to walk around without begging for something."

The responses
Ann Coulter's punishment - Net Bank, Verizon, Washington Mutual, AT&T/Cingular, Dollar Rent-A-Car, SmileTrain.org, University of Phoenix, Sallie Mae, LasikPlus, Power Chord Academy, Gulf Shores.com/Alabama Gulf Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, Ulta.com, and Yellow Pages.com all stopped advertising at Coulter's web site. The Oakland Press , The Mountain Press, The Times of Shreveport, La, The American Press, and the Lancaster New Era have stopped publishing her columns. HRC started a letter writing campaign to other papers that carry her.

Don Imus - Staples Inc., Bigelow Tea, and Procter & Gamble pulled advertising. MSNBC removed Imus in the Morning completely. CBS Radio suspended him for two weeks. There was even a protest on the campus of Rutgers University. [Obviously this was written prior to his firing, so mentally add that to the list]

Michael Savage -

That’s right, not one repercussion. No press release. No protest. No outrage. Nothing.



trans/genderqueer, genderism, racism, hate, media

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