Oct 23, 2006 07:30
I just had a week break from all the school testings! How nice, but this week isn't going to be so nice. A very busy week up ahead, but with some definite FUN times planned for Halloween weekend. We're going out to enjoy all the festivities this year. Dozens of college Halloween parties to attend (I need some excuses to hide away from them), we got a neighborhood party invitation--which I'm looking forward to, and some friends and I will be going out to trick or treat. I have no problem blending in with the children population, but there are two girls who are like 6 ft tall---who may have a little trouble. We're making our costumes, yes-with all the mess of buying fabric, cutting, and sewing....it's going to be interesting!!!
And my dear friend just had to surprise me--Catherine is coming down to Orlando!!! Oh man, this girl went to the wrong college, cause she's been down to Orlando more often than I can imagine, and she's been to more theme parks than anybody I know. Actually, she can't attend UCF, she'll be at Disney during class time. hehehe....just making fun of you (I know you're reading this). I'm very excited...right on Halloween weekend, and right when Daylight Savings time come (we get another hour with each other---lol), I get to meet Jeff (YAY!!!), and her college buddies....and they're colliding with Hazel, Reggie, and ME! Wow, what a group, and the Filipinos take over! We'll be going to Disney: Animal Kingdom...and what can you guess? Catherine and Thanh have never skipped out on shopping together!
In the meantime...I have to finish shopping for my little ones' costumes and send them home...Natalie wants to be tinkerbell, Anne=cinderella, Philip=spider man or spongebob, Charlie=vampire, and whatever else those kids want. I miss my children, I won't get to see them until Christmas. I hope everyone will enjoy a Happy Halloween (I know this is posted early, in case I don't update till Thanksgiving!) Take care! I miss my Pensacola Folks very much! :::HUGS and KISSES:::