Dec 19, 2007 23:21
New driving fines in the state of Washington
> New driving fines for the State of Washington . These fines went
> into effect on November 1st, 2007
> * HOV Lane - 1st time offense $1068.50 (note: the sign posted on
> the HOV lanes that says $271 is now wrong and DOT is in the
> process of changing them)
> -2nd offense fine is doubled
> -3rd it is tripled
> -4th your license is suspended for a year! (they are not playing
> around!)
> * Incorrect Lane Change - $380.00 (not using turn signal or 'cut
> ting' someone)
> * Block Intersecti on - $485.00
> * Driving on Shoulder - $450.00
> * Cell Phone Usage While Driving - $285.00 (cell phone usage
> (until January 1, 2008, you can use a hand held cell phone while
> driving, but if a police officer observes a driving infraction, he can
> stop you and cite you for both. After January 1, they can stop you for
> cell phone usage w/o any other cause.)
> must now be done with 'hands free' device.)
> Law Enforcement has been told to really start cracking down on
> this, as the accident rate is increasing due to cell phone use.
> * Cell Phone Usage in a Construction Zone - $570.00 (this fine
> is doubled from the regular $285.00)
> * Passengers over the age of 18 not in a seat belt - Both the
> passenger AND driver with get tickets of $101.00
> * DUI - Instant ARREST! (the court s are now placing DUI's on
> your driving record for a period of 10 years!)
> * Last but not least - You know that there was a th ought that
> you could go at least 5 MPH o ver the posted speed limit, well
> according to the WA. State Patrol, you are now allowed 3 MPH over!