things you take for granted like breathing.....

Apr 07, 2005 00:51

Focus Inward
You are pulling inward
feeling self
Experiencing the world
Scents drawing you
New places within
Myself, I couldn't help
You're beautiful,
Inside out
Wrapped about
Your soul, a goal
So amazing
That's it blazing
New thoughts
About my mind
Expanding my
New listening
Self Blissening (NOTHING MISSING)
My fellow workers of my soul
A goal to unite
All those that are right
In my life, I'm glad
That you're all here,
Near to me now,
But somehow always holding me
In my creativity of our lives
As we go different places,
New faces to take off with
A perfect bliss
Learning life (......we are here.....)
The pallet knife
That gives us times
To abide
Put aside by
expansive thoughts
Of people fighting
For rights
The picket lines
Holding our minds back
We are youth
We are strong (...enough knowledge to never stop learning)
Anything could be wrong
Appreciate standardized
Life In unending
Beauty in your life
Make your life comforable (....YOU NEVER FAIL YOU JUST WORK TOWARDS A BETTER me... everyonge....)
But not over board.

Simple and appreciating
Never Second rating
You are all beautiful (so fucking BEAUTIFUL)
Star gazing
Build your love

Open and accepting more to follow....
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