The Shag List

May 26, 2006 01:13

So, lostingeekdom tagged me.

List ten fictional figures you would have sex with (in no particular order) and tag 5 people to do the same.

1. The entire female cast of Xena - If 'geek can do that with BSG, I can do it with Xena. At first, it was just going to be Xena. Then, I thought, yeah, I'd shag Gabrielle, and Callisto, and Velasca, and Alti, and Cyane, and Aphrodite, and Varia, and...well, you get the picture. Hot women kicking ass in tight revealing clothing usually made of leather? Oh yeah!!
2. Sarah Connor - Sure, in Terminator 1 she was basically the damsel in distress with a bad crimp job (is there such a thing as a good crimp job?). But, in Terminator 2 with the arms of hotness? Guh!
3. Nikita - Before Alias's Sydney and her dimples of hotness, there was La Femme Nikita. And as hard as they tried to sell the Nikita/Michael, so very gay.
4. Miss Parker - from The Pretender. Never has anyone looked soo intimidatingly hot in high heels.
5. Sara Pezzini - Those eyes, that hair, the *voice*. And, like Nikita, no amount of Het!Yay! could make her any less teh gay!
6. Addison Montgomery Sheppard - No explanation needed.
7. Dana Scully - Why oh why did the 'smart is sexy' mantra have to die when the X-Files did?
8. Barbara Gordon - Another smokin' hot, smart redhead. Interchangeable with Dizzy Fores from Starship Troopers!
9. Faith - the ultimate badgirl with just a hint of woobieishness (is that even a word?). Makes everything gay just by being in close proximity to it.
10. Princess Leia - my first fangirl crush. And don't *even* get me started on the gold bikini in Return of the Jedi!!

This is the part where I'm supposed to tag five people and pass the torch on. But, I'm horrible at tagging because I'm always afraid of leaving someone out. So, if you haven't been're IT!!


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