FIC: The Ties That Bind, Chapter One [Birds of Prey-TV]

Jan 05, 2006 00:01

Title: The Ties That Bind, chapter one
Pairing: Barbara/Helena, Dinah/Gaby, Dinah/OC
Fandom: Birds of Prey-TV
Rating: R
Word Count: 2372
Summary: The Birds are seperated as Dinah heads to Seattle to see her biological father, Oliver Queen aka, the Green Arrow. While Helena and Barbara deal with the prospect of becoming new parents. Except, Dinah can't seem to shake the trouble that always follows her. And this time, Dinah must face it alone.
A/N: This is the sequel to "The Harvest" and "Tangled Web" and takes place approximately three months after "Tangled Web". While it's not necessary to have read the first two - it wouldn't hurt ;)

Chapter One


The forest was dark, the fading sun and impenetrable gray from the clouds darkened the landscape. Made the shadows blacker than normal, threatened of evil dark things within. He paused at the edge of the forest, chest heaving as he gasped for air. Sucked in drops of water pelting his skin. The ground saturated to the point of overflowing.

He could hear the dogs in the background. Them. The hurried excitement of the hunt. He ran. They chased.

He dashed into the forest. The mud gripped his feet. Branches and leaves slashed at his face and chest. The dogs were closer. They had his scent now and wouldn’t stop until he did.

Something lunged from the darkness. Canine teeth sunk into his shoulder, followed quickly by a bellowing scream from his own throat. He reached back, hands gripping the animal by the nape of the neck, tossing it into the bushes. It rolled with the impact, snarling as it bounced back onto its haunches. Joined by another one, then another one, until he found himself surrounded by the pack.

They snapped, snarled, growled, all waiting for the moment to strike. He inhaled deeply. Felt the power building within him. He didn’t like using it. But, he would if need be. This was that time.

He felt the first set of teeth sink into his thigh, another into his shoulder. As he saw a set of angry eyes lunging towards him, the mouth full of sharp teeth aiming for his neck, he let go. The energy, the electricity erutped from within, exploded outward in a bubble shaped wave of energy. The dogs flew violently through the air.

The pain came next. He crumpled to the ground, writhing in pain as lightening arced across his body. Shot from his fingertips, branches, trees, foliage exploded around him. Mixed with the rain showering his body as he collapsed fully onto the ground.

The hunters came next. He stared at them weakly. Faces obscured behind ponchos. All seated snug and secure in their mounts, horses snorting loudly from the chase. He could hear the hunters talking, unable to distinguish the words through the ringing in his ears. Not words of celebration, but disappointment.

The leader dismounted. Walked towards him. Expensive boots sloshing over the wet undergrowth of the forest. He spoke, whether to the man or to the hunters, the man could not tell. He just knew he was dying. Found the one last ounce of his resolve as he stared up the barrel of the hunter’s rifle defiantly.

The hunt was over.


Dinah jerked awake, a scream dying in the back of her throat. The sheets now crumpled and stained with sweat balled in her fists. Eyes snapped open, her eyes darted about the room gaining her bearing, caught in that strange time between sleep and consciousness. Where the fading images of her dream, nightmare, still clouded her vision.

“It’s just a dream,” whispered shakily from her throat.

Sliding into a pair of sweatpants, Dinah made her way down into the Clock Tower. She could see a kettle on the stove, small strands of steam drifting from the open top. A soft smile crept across her lips as she made her way to the balcony.

Barbara sat outside, body wrapped in a large fluffy green robe, staring out at the darkened horizon.

“Couldn’t sleep?” Dinah mumbled taking a perch next to her mentor.

“Seems to be contagious,” Barbara smiled, pulling the mug towards her lips for another sip. “You’ve been having nightmares again, haven’t you?”

Dinah’s head snapped towards the woman. “How could you tell?”

“The late night insomnia. Your cheeks are flushed and you’re kinda sweaty. Anything you wanna talk about?”

“No. Not yet.”

“Well, it’s only natural that you’d be a little anxiety.”

“Helena says not to expect anything, that way I won’t be disappointed.”

“Do you expect to be disappointed?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know. It was one thing when I used to dream about it back in Opal. But, this is real. And..”

“And reality’s always different than your dreams.” Barbara moved closer to the girl. She reached out with her free hand, wrapping it around a slender wrist. “He’s your father, Dinah. And he will love you. What’s not to love?”

“How can he love something he doesn’t even know exists?”

“Dinah,” Barbara paused, squeezing the teen’s hand, “I guess there’s only one way to find out.”

“Are you sure you can’t come with me?”

“What and miss out on the only time I’m going to have alone with the mother of my child?”

“Yeah, like that’s stopped you two before.” She giggled as Barbara wrinkled her nose in that slightly horrified expression of hers. “Is that why you’re out here in the middle of the night? Coping with your own anxieties?”

“Something like that?”

“You scared?”

“Honestly? I’m terrified. In three more months, it’s going to be really real, you know. If you’re thinking all those anxieties and insecurities you have will suddenly disappear once you reach adulthood, well, I hate to break it to you but they don’t.”

“Barbara, you’re gonna be a great mom. You’ll love her no matter who or what she is. Heck, half of New Gotham High wishes you were their mother. The other half.. well..” Dinah shuddered as the images she’d received from some of her more lascivious, and imaginative, classmates popped into her head. She tilted her head down slightly, glancing down at Barbara through her bangs. “I sometimes wonder how different it would all be if Mom left me with you instead of the Redmonds.”

Dinah squeaked as two strong arms whipped forward, yanking her into a hug.

“I love you too kiddo.”

“Argh! Would everyone stop calling me a kid.”

“No,” Barbara placed a hand on Dinah’s head, ruffling her hair. “Now go get some sleep. You have a long day ahead of you.”

“You have NO idea.” Dinah sighed, extricating herself from Barbara’s hold. She ran a nervous hand through her hair. “I still haven’t told Gaby that I’m leaving.”



The first pillow missed Dinah by about a mile. The second one slapped her right in the head. Gaby bounded off the bed charging towards the blonde. Dinah threw up her hands defensively, trying to find an escape route. Gaby grabbed another pillow, held it threateningly by her head, ready to throw.

“Do you know how long I’ve planned this? How long WE planned this? And now you’re telling me that tomorrow, TOMORROW, when everyone else gets on that plane for a sun, sin and sex filled week at South Padre Island, that you AREN’T going WITH ME!?! This had better be good. NO,” she wagged a finger at her. “This had better be fucking stupendous. Like someone needs a kidney, or a heart or you’re dying or some shit. So tell me, Dinah, why exactly aren’t you coming with me on Spring Break?”

“Barbara..” Dinah tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

“You’re lying.”


“You’re lying,” Gaby wagged a pointed finger at Dinah. “When you’re nervous you tuck your hair behind your left ear. When you’re lying it’s your right.”


“Don’t change the subject.”

“Gaby,” Dinah pouted softly. She really didn’t want to talk about this, especially when there were other more important things they could be doing.

Suddenly, Gaby wrapped her arms around Dinah’s shoulders. With one hand planted on the blonde’s head, she pulled the taller girl into her for a searing kiss. Dinah melted immediately. At the hand in her hair caressing that soft on the back of her skull, or the other one that had mysteriously found its way under her shirt, playful fingers doing strange and wonderful things to her nipple.

Gaby pulled their lips apart. Dinah breathed heavily as Gaby continued a trail of kisses across the line of Dinah’s jaw, until she met a fleshy earlobe, sucking it into her mouth.

“Dinah,” she purred.


“You remember when I said I wanted us to wait? How its been two long months since we’ve..” she finished the sentence by lightly pinching a nipple. Dinah groaned, knees suddenly weak. “Do you know what I’ve been planning for us. All alone, with no one for miles. Nothing but you, me and skin.” Her fingers trailed lower, unfastened the top button of Dinah’s jeans. Slid them between the tight wall of denim and cloth. “I want you so bad I can’t stand it and you say you don’t wanna go with me to Spring Break. That you won’t even tell me why. Why Dinah?”

Dinah gritted her teeth. Eyes suddenly snapped closed at the tingly sensation cascading over her body. “I can’t.”

She felt the rush of cool air as Gaby pushed herself away. Opened her eyes to see the girl stomping towards the bed. Gaby grabbed another pillow, throwing it at Dinah. “I HATE you!!”

She slumped onto the bed. “You’re seeing someone else aren’t you?”

“No! God, no!” Dinah rushed towards the bed, She knelt before Gaby. “There’s no one but you. Don’t you think this is killing me too? I want you, Gaby. God, I want you soo much it hurts. All I can think about is the last time we made love. Do you think I would throw all this away if it wasn’t important?”

“That’s just it, Dinah. I don’t know.”

She thought they’d been over this. Gaby knew Dinah had secrets. Somewhere along the way, Dinah’s secrets had become a wall between them. One Dinah didn’t know how to broach. “Gaby.”

Arms folded defensively across her chest, Gaby stepped backwards at Dinah’s tentative approach. “I think you should leave.”



Dinah rose to her feet. Five minutes ago she was on Gaby’s bed, closer to heaven than she had been in months. “I love you Gaby.”

“Yeah,” she tilted her head up, green eyes filling with tears. “Just not enough to trust me.”


The airport was loud. Crazy loud. Where the sounds pounded continuously against the eardrums in a chaotic frenzy. It had been Dinah’s idea to ride a plane like ‘normal people’. Despite the insistence of Helena upon using one of Bruce’s many jets and the random use of the word ‘fuck’ several times, Dinah had won. Now, it felt like a stupid idea. At the time of her ‘brilliant’ idea, she’d wanted to be around people. Now, surrounded by them, Dinah felt completely alone.

Helena walked towards the blonde, a tall mug of coffee (decaffeinated because of the baby) in one hand. She gently eased herself into the seat next to Dinah.

Dinah sighed, bringing a hand up to her face to chew on a nail surreptitiously. “I think she broke up with me.”

“Why?” Helena tried not to gasp at the revelation.

“I wouldn’t tell her why I wasn’t going to Spring Break with her.”

“Again, I repeat the why?”

“I don’t know,” Dinah shrugged. “I just.. I don’t know.”

“Have you tried calling her?”

“Like a thousand times. She’s not answering. And when someone does answer its usually one of her parents,” she turned her head towards the brunette. “I could stay. I know you guys..”

Helena held up a hand. “No. You’re going. So just stop while you’re ahead.”

“You just want me to go so you can have sex with Barbara.”

“I’m having sex with Barbara regardless which means you can stop with the guilt tripping,” she paused for a moment, placing a hand onto Dinah’s. “Listen, I’m not good with the sensitive stuff. But, trust me, Oliver Queen is not my father. He’s not going to hate you.”

“How do you know?” Dinah twisted her head towards Helena, eyes filled with hope.

“I don’t. I just know that almost a year ago an annoying blonde entered my world and somehow the little shit ingratiated herself into my life so much that I can’t imagine it without her.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“I’m just saying no matter what, you have people who love you. And we’ll always be here for you.”

“Wow, I think I like you better when you’re pregnant.”

Helena squinted, lips curled into a playful snarl. “I can still hurt you.”

“Oh yeah?” Dinah rolled her eyes. “You and what non-pregnant army?”

Suddenly, Helena whipped an arm out, wrapping it around Dinah’s neck, jerking her into a headlock. Dinah squealed as she felt the closed fist raking against her scalp.


“..Flight 237 now boarding..”

Dinah exhaled softly as Helena released her grip. A gentle hand still resting on her shoulder. The knots in her stomach momentarily forgotten, twisted hard within her stomach. She shook her head, running a hand through it to undo the damage done by her friend.

“I guess that’s your cue to leave.”

“Who will you have to practice your parental disciplinary tactics on when I’m gone?” She tilted her head back. Eyes glued to the ceiling, glanced at the windows, the corridor, anything but the tunnel leading her away from where she wanted to be.

“I’ll manage. Besides, me and Barbara are going over spanking..”

“Eww,” Dinah raised up her hands. “Too much information.”

“And they say my mind’s always in the gutter.”

Dinah exhaled solemnly. Could feel the heat on her face as emotions she’d desperately tried to keep in check began to bubble upwards. “I hate goodbye’s.”

“Then don’t say goodbye,” Helena leaned forward, gently pressed her lips to Dinah’s temple. “Now, get out of here before my hormones make me do something you’ll regret.”

Slowly, Dinah stood up from her seat. Her feet, now thirty pound weights attached to the bottom of her legs, shuffled heavily forward. It all felt so cliché, like the saying today was the beginning of the rest of her life. Something was waiting for her on the other side of the country. She could stay in New Gotham. But, Dinah knew, if she did, she’d regret it for the rest of her life. Yet, as she slowly trudged forward towards the plane, Dinah couldn’t help shake the feeling that what was waiting for her was something she’d also regret -

For the rest of her life.

End Chapter One

femslash, fic: barbara/helena, fic: birds of prey, fic: dinah/gaby, fan fic

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