TV Stuff: SciFi Friday and Grey's

Feb 27, 2006 12:04

Whew, now that the Olympics are over I can get back to my normally scheduled Shallow Viewing. Just a warning ya'll, this is *long*!

Arthur's Mantle - I really don't have much to say about this ep aside from -

Look, someone put a comb through Sam's hair!

Hee, Cameron and Sam in a poke fight. I really do like their chemistry together. Eww, not *that* way!

Yay, more sleeveless Teal'c and Teal'c doing the Iron Man Pose With Guns.

Hee, Daniel and Sam in a poke fight.

SQUEE!! Vala's back next week!! Vala's back next week!! Because there's no such thing as too much Vala! Maybe this time, she and Sam might actually talk to each other!

Michael - Finally, an Atlantis episode with actual science fiction in it!! I've often bitched about the SG world not asking itself 'the big questions'. Finally, an ep in which it does just that and it's good! Really good!

First off, I've always known that the Atlantis crew were incompetent boobs (except for Teyla and Ronon) but now we can add culturally elitist, xenophobic boobs on top of that!! Now, while I don't have a beef with the Atlantis crew medically experimenting on the Wraith, as pointed out, they are at war, not over ideology, or territory or religion, but war with an enemy that wants to *eat* them, and takes great pleasure in doing so! What I did have a problem with was the idea that 'making them human makes them better'. As Ronon pointed out, human or not, they're still Wraith. Making the Wraith human was no guarantee that it would end their desire to kill humanity.

Second, conducting genetic experiments on the Wraith is one thing. But doing it on Atlantis? Goddamn these people are stupid!

I think it's funny that, imo, the best ep of Atlantis is the one that revolves around someone who isn't part of the Atlantis crew. Along with the tight script, it was the acting of Connor Trineer that really sold this ep for me. And, had he not been working on Enterprise at the time, I really wish *he'd* been cast as Sheppard. I'm warming to Joe Flannigan but his Sheppard is still too man-child/fratboy-esque for my tastes.

Also, TPTB are finally coming around to figuring out to do with Rachel Luttrell's Teyla. While I've always found her acting to be a bit wooden, I didn't really blame it on the actress as much as the writing. There's only so much one can do with the Magical Mystical Minority when one's pigeon-holed into that archetype. Teyla's always been rather separated from the main Atlantis group emotionally. She's not there for the same reasons the others are. She's there to defend her people and using the Atlantians to do it. (Which goes with my personal pet theory that, one day, she and Ronon are going to take over Atlantis 'cuz SG is stupid, yo!) Having Teyla be the only one to try to 'connect' with Michael's humanity, and argue that they held a responsibility for their actions was interesting to watch.

Ultimately, the good guys looked like assholes and the bad guys were sympathetic, but good on them for making a 'thinking person's sci-fi', well, at least attempting it. Maybe BSGs rubbing off on them afterall.

Downloaded - I'll start off with an admission, before Downloaded, I'd missed the last two weeks of BSG. Why? I'm not really sure. Yes, I was super busy, and the Olympics, and my Mom visiting. But, there was a part of me not really that was losing interest in BSG. Part of it is all the goddamn emo-drama and the other part I really haven't narrowed down yet.

Thank God, I tuned in this week. Strangely, all it took to get my BSG love going again was Lucy Lawless, naked cylons in tubs of goo and the hint of girlslash. I'm not sure what I can say that hasn't already been said but this was most definitely one of THE best eps of BSG!! And it's not just because of all the girlslash that's now practically canon. From the opening, to the Gaius is a Cylon fake-out, Roslin talking about ejecting babies out of airlocks, Lucy being evil, Doc Cottle, Gaius inhabiting Six's head, Sharon trying to go all emo.

There was alot to really think about and I still haven't formulated all my thoughts. But, the BSG I love is when it's not about Lee or Kara and their goddamn emo angst. And, as much as I love Starbuck, it says alot that I didn't miss her AT ALL.

But, I need Six/Sharon fic. And Six/Sharon/D'Anna fic because ya'll know when they were walking up the Stairwell of Dramatic Tension it was totally to have sex in Sharon's apartment. And, yes, I need that fic as well!!

Grey's Anatomy - Finally, someone wised up and gave us *all* a break from the Meh vo's. And it was George, *George*! Because, when you think about it, did anyone *really* want to hear Meredith's thoughts on the Hookup From Hell?

Meredith/George - whoa, that was brutal, yo! And, as uncomfortable as that scene was, it was the first time I genuinely liked Meredith. Why? Because it felt like the PTB were, for once, being honest about the character. Remove the tweenager, Polly-Annish, Mary Sue-esque fluffing and Meredith Grey is a seriously fucked up character. It felt like TPTB were finally acknowledging that, no, Meredith really isn't perfect or ideal. While they completely fucked it up by having her meet with Derek in the park, I at least understood *why* Meredith was there. It wasn't healthy, it wasn't right but I understood why she was there. Derek on the other hand..

Derek - Jesus Christ, could this guy *be* a bigger douchebag? That scene in the elevator wasn't cute, it wasn't romantic, it was downright creepy. How many times does Meredith have to say 'no, we can't be friends' for him to understand. Because SHE'S right! They were never friends, they can never BE friends, and for Derek to act like he wants to be Meredith's friend for the sake of being a friend is bullshit. And for this, I blame it all on the writer's. It's time to end this fucking triangle once and for all!! And pretty much why I hate romantic triangles to begin with. It's not organic, it's not complicated but one contrived, forced, cliched obstacle after another.

Izzie/Alex - Finally some acknowledgement that Izzie hasn't forgiven Alex for sleeping with Olivia. Too bad we didn't actually see it onscreen but the more they move Izzie away from Alex, the happier I'll be. And to think, I'm starting to actually like Alex, too. I giggled when Alex giggled at George falling down the stairs. Plus, I loved Izzie taking George's side in all this. Sure, it was bitchy and judgmental, but that's Izzie. And George needs to know there's *someone* who'll have his back. And, I like her chemistry with dying heart guy.

Addison/Bailey - Could I get the Addison and Bailey show *every* week, with a dash of Christina..and Izzie. Although, I wasn't feeling Addison's 'I got poison ivy on my vah-jay-jay because I slept with Mark' thing. Because, really, how much fucking apologizing does Addison have to do? I'm sure it made teh Addison haters feel better but since nothing Addison does, other than leaving, is going to make them feel better - I say fuck'em. So trying to tie in Addison's poison ivy poisoning with karma and her infidelity felt forced because, really, the triangle sucks and Addison should stop being the butt of the joke. Derek's a passive-aggressive ass and it's time for her to realize he's *never* going to forgive her and move the fuck on!!

Oh, and in case I haven't mentioned it before - Kate Walsh has *great* legs. Mmm, legporn...

fandom: battlestar galactica, fandom: atlantis, fandom: greys anatomy, fandom: stargate sg-1

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