Stupid LOST!!

Jan 18, 2006 13:34

Spoilers only pertaining to the episide description in TV Guide below:

From the TV Guide description"

Jack, Locke, and Sawyer pursue Michael into the jungle as he searches for Walt?

Okay, for starters, why are they taking Sawyer? A) He's completely worthless as any kind of 'protector' and more importantly b) didn't he get shot and suffered from an infection? In Lost time which was like two days ago.

But what really pisses me off about this description, and Lost in general, is why aren't any of the women going? It's always the men who are the hunter, gatherer, protectors. While all the women are mothers, girlfriends, mystical magical minorities. Gah!!! How about an episode where Kate, Sun, and Ana-Lucia gather up the guns and go shootin' in the jungle? Or *any* episode where one of the women, not named Kate, decide they need to go walk-about?

*sigh* As much as I like Lost, it's not exactly devoid of the sexism.

fandom: lost, rant

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