Title: The Vagina Monster, part 5 of ? Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Pairings: Izzie/Addison Rating: Mature. Summary: Sequel, and apparent never-ending saga, to "Steven's Anatomy".
Lol, yeah, and it's because of you and the letters on your icon staring me in the face that made me realize I was probably getting the name wrong. So, I had to check the ABC site and yep, you're right, it's ie instead of y. Now, I gotta go back and reedit all the posted chapters.
Oh, and I didn't really have writer's block as much as another muse caught my attention and I've been working on another novel. One I might actually get around to posting this time.
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So it's ie and not y now?
Oh, and I didn't really have writer's block as much as another muse caught my attention and I've been working on another novel. One I might actually get around to posting this time.
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