This is a - drive by/not dead post!! That, and after like a billion seasons on-air, I've become OBSESSED with Criminal Minds. I don't know what took me so long but I guess better late than never, right? So, the idea for this started because of a fic idea where Emily (who's a closet Legend of the Seeker fan) has a thing for dominating blondes in tight red leather, and JJ's totally willing to help her out. Except, I have NO TIME to write fic these days!! Which is a whole other post that may or may not happen. Which snowballed into an idea of doing the entire cast as LotS but since I don't have any time ended up with just Emily and JJ. All of this is just my way of saying a) not dead and b) EMILY AND JJ DO COSPLAY!!
Sigh, now I have to go find Emily/JJ icons because I just realized I don't have any!!