Chuck 3x01, 3x02

Jan 11, 2010 15:48

I love(d) Chuck but, after last night's episodes, I think me and the Bartowski are on the verge of breaking up.

I love Sarah. I really do. She's the main reason I still watch this show. But, honestly, it's time for Sarah to go. Preferably to her own spin-off where she and Karina have sexy adventures to and with each other!

The show hit a huge reset button last night and the character that suffered the most is Sarah. Where, once again, we go back to the 'will they or won't they' well that had been drained dry during the first two seasons. And, quite frankly, I'm tired of the 'Sarah sucks it up as she plays the sailor's wife patiently waiting on the shore waiting for Chuck to return'. I mean, seriously, the best way they could find to break up Chuck and Sarah was to have her ask him to go on the run? Really? Jesus, if they wanted to hit the reset button how about having Sarah kidnapped by terrorists and having her mind wiped to the point where she doesn't remember Chuck at all. Lame? Yes. But still better than the tired retread we're getting right now.

Sarah seriously needs some agency of her own. A life outside the orbit of Chuck Bartowski. Which is why I feel she needed to leave with Karina, even if it's only for a couple episodes.

I hated the fact that, in the end, Chuck basically got everything he wanted. His best friend, his job as a spy, working at the Buy More, Casey and Sarah back in his life.. AND SUFFERED NO CONSEQUENCES!! Other than boo-hoo, me and Sarah can't be together!

Which is why I HATED that, not only, did they kill Milbarge but then had Casey LIE to Chuck about it!! If Chuck wants to be a fucking spy then he needs to deal with the consequences. Milbarge is dead DIRECTLY because of Chuck because Chuck inserted himself into a mission he wasn't a part of and SCREWED IT UP!!

Ooh, Chuck doesn't like guns. He says to the woman who's kill score has quadrupled in the name of protecting Chuck. Anyone smell an arc here?

Also, if the show wants me to take Chuck's turn as a spy seriously maybe, possibly, stop havng him screw up missions because he wants to stop and talk about his fee-fee's? Please writers, don't make me hate the character your entire show is built around. With the new Intersect, the character's seriously verging into Gary Stu territory. Last night's episodes didn't leave me waiting with baited breath for tonight's episode as much as made me miss Jake 2.0.

fandom: chuck

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