Oct 18, 2009 11:42

Guess what I saw at the Seattle Gay & Lesbian Film Festival last night? That's right - And Then Came Lola! Which is now making the rounds in the film festival circuit and will be released on DVD sometime next year.

If you need just *one* reason to go see this movie then see it to see anomalys's name in the credits (of course, if you know her real life name and I'm not going to tell you)!! Woot, anomalys is like a Hollywood Power Player now.

They showed the trailer for I Can't Think Straight, which is also playing at the festival although I have no idea if any of the folks in ICTS movie will be at the showing. I just found it weird that a movie that's already out on DVD is playing at a film fest. But, considering the paltry number of lesbian features showing and there's nothing wrong with *more* Lisa Ray/Sheetal Sheth, I'm not gonna complain too much.

Anyway, onto And Then Came Lola, first off, I'd like to apologize to Jill Bennett for any bad things I may have said about her in the past. Because, yes, I am on the Jill Bennett train now. The smoking hotness doesn't hurt and judging someone solely on their appearance in Dante's Cove was rather short-sighted of me.

As for the movie, it was cute and funny. There are nitpicks but picking on a *low* budget movie is like kicking a puppy! Having watched my fair share of (bad) low budget movies, what really makes this movie work is the acting. As in, whee a movie where the actors can do that thing they list as their profession! We've come a *long* way since Go Fish!

Also, I loved the hot girl-on-girl action quota. As in, the movie's all 'hey, it's been 20 minutes since we've seen two hot chicks making out.. somebody get busy!'. And, lo and behold, there would be two chicks making out! But, it didn't feel tacked on or gratuitous. My inner 12-year-old boy says there should have been more nudity. I don't technically disagree but, you know, not everything can be Dante's Cove! On the little score sheets they pass out, I gave the movie a 4 out of 5, mainly because it was 'loosely' based on Run, Lola, Run and that movie had gun fights.. and a kickass soundtrack! Not to nitpick the soundtrack but there is more to indi lesbian music than soft/folk rock.

In the end, was it the best lesbian movie ever made? No, but it wasn't the worse and head and shoulders better than Mango Kiss. Which is all I really ask of a lesbian romantic-comedy!

After the viewing there was a Q&A with co-director Ellen Seidler and actresses Ashleigh Sumner (Lola) and Jenoa Harlow (Speed Freak Girl). I honestly can't remember any of the questions or answers, other than Sumner is very wee and very cute/charming and Seidler noted the majority of the cast and crew are out, including Sumner in case you were wondering.

movie: reviews

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