Writing vs. Graphics

Mar 19, 2008 10:42

Still have one more question to go!

ariestess asked - Your thoughts on the creative process, like writing vs. graphics

I didn't think this one would be such a hard question to answer but it totally was!

For me, writing is *hard*. Sure, there are those days where I'm 'in the zone' and I spend hours doing nothing but typing. But those days are few and far between. Most of the time, it's me banging my head against the wall trying to get the words I know are in there somewhere out onto the screen.

I also have bad habits I haven't rid myself of that makes the process harder. I hate doing research. I rarely use outlines. Most of my stories come to me in a stream of conscious form. But, if I get stuck, or I get away from the idea for too long a time, I have a tendency to lose those thoughts. Which is why I have so many damn WiP's. I get started, get distracted like a dog chasing a butterfly (typically from another story idea), and the story winds up losing steam. Like I have stories on my hard drive that I've never posted where I return to them and think 'where the heck was I going when I wrote this?'.

Graphics, on the other hand, I love doing graphics. It's not hard for me the way writing is. I think it's the immediacy of it. In a couple hours, I can have something done where it can take me days/months/years to finish a written story.

Also, while I feel it taps into the same creative side of my brain, I can do other things while I'm doing graphics, like watch tv or listen to music. Two things I *can't* do when I'm writing. Like, it has to be totally dead silent for me to write. Unless, of course, I'm at work where I tune out all the white noise anyway.

As for where I get my ideas? Well.. I was hit in the head with a soccer ball as a kid!
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