101 List: #78 - Send Feedback

Jan 08, 2007 00:28

#78. Send Feedback

In my 101 list, one of my items is to send more feedback. Since I'm woefully inadequate at doing it, I figured this would be a good way of getting myself into the habit since I know how important it is, as a writer, to receive feedback. These aren't necessarily recs, but the fics that I've read recently and sent feedback to. Hopefully, it may pique some of ya'll's interest and you too will send feedback!!

Karen Sisco "Five Things That Probably Never Happened Between Karen Sisco and Marley Novak (and Three That Definitely Did)", Karen/Marley by jeniuspartduex - I love the '5 things' genre because it's a format, as a writer, that completely elludes me. The author uses the bar scene and builds around it, creating a Karen who's attracted to Marley but completely thrown off by Marley's very bold flirtation, then builds around it. Showing a Karen who's caught off balance, then finds her grounding to turn the tables on Marley. hot sex follows and, really, ain't nuthin' wrong with that!

Stargate: Atlantis Thrill of Victory, Weir/Wraith Queen by angelqueen04 - This is a dark fic of the darkest kind. Atlantis has fallen and a Wraith Queen has claimed Elizabeth as her prize. And slowly but surely, she's killing Elizabeth with kindness, okay, with sex but it's the same thing. Through the Wraith Queen's eyes, we see Weir defiant mentally but acquiescing to the Queen's demands physically, which is how the Queen slowly breaks her. It's both erotic yet sad because you know there will be no happy ending for Weir, and her only escape is to give in to the pleasure because this is her life from now on.

Farscape "Dirty Laundry", Aeryn/Chiana by celievamp per dogged_by_muses - A missing scene fic from season two's "Vitas Mortis". Chiana gets stuck while doing laundry is one of those classics scenes from the series. But, one doesn't have to have seen the episode to enjoy this because the author does a good job mixing the canon with fic.

The Descent - "Love Each Day", Beth/Holly by the-girl-20 - A cute extension of the scene on the porch with Beth and Holly. I wasn't really feeling this fic because I prefer Beth with Sarah, and the phonetic writing of Holly's Irish accent kept knocking me out of the story.

The Descent - "A Good Start" Juno/Sarah by fembuck - Hee, janine takes the story lurking in my mind and puts it on the page so I don't have. A revisioning of the ending, where Juno lives and saves herself and Sarah. It retains the darkness of 'The Descent' but also adds some background characterization and, more importantly, a sense of hope even though both women will quite never be the same again.

review: fan fic, 101 in 1001, fan fic

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