Aaaaaaaaaaand We're Back. . .

Jan 10, 2017 04:20

Hadn't gotten any writing done in a couple weeks, which was really getting to me. I wasn't exactly panicing about it, but I wasn't particulalry calm about it either. Last night I just sat down, opened the book's folderm document, and played some music hoping that something would come to me. It worked. Not a big word count, but really I'm just going to have to force myself to sit and write the fucking book even when I'm feeling blank.

It's tough though cause it does scare me find myself looking at the first third of a book and blanking on what to do next. Next year, or thereabouts, I need to start trying to get these published and to do that I want a couple more completed books. I don't think I would have the confidence otherwise.I have to force myself to, if nothing else, write at least a few sentences a day. If I do that, at least I'll be making progress, no matter how small.

Still, I've only been working on this book for almost 60 days. To have 30k to show for that isn't terrible. It's not great, but it's not terrible. I need to remind myself of that. At that rate, assuming I can maintain it, I could be done in four more months?

Hell, if I'm feeling a little crazy I just might try to work on two. . . or even three books at once. Let's see how that goes.

There really is nothing else to say about it. 
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