Mar 25, 2004 13:47
Last night, I was watching this thing about illegal drugs on the History channel (don't even start) and guy is all like "there's a huge lack of space in the prisons anymore" which was because they keep arresting people for drug possession (people who are totally unviolent) and they said that people who are mega violent like, you know, molestors and murders and happy people like that, that they barely have room for them there. I'm just like "wow." I don't even know what to say to that. I was actually watching something on "cars of the future" because it was interesting. My dad was watching it and I was like "hey cool". Anyway, who cares.
Onto a happier subect! I went over the specs and whatnot for my wonderfully craptastic laptop. I'm not going to post anything about it though because I'm not doing anything until I'm using it myself. I really didn't want a craptastic laptop but I need to be able to take it to work, and Misao's when I go over there, and the last thing I want to do is lug around 60 pounds of craptastic desktop. So yeah, I should have it sometime in early/mid April. Joy. That would make it a little over one year without using a computer that I "owned".
I need to write myself a memo or something to remind me to get the URL of the practice test that I took so that I can look at the stuff that I got wrong (because it told me, remember) so I actually have something to do while at work. Besides work. Because, okay. I'm not a slacker or anything, it's just that there's only two people in my office (my dad and Adam) and they go out often so I get on the computer and do stuff y'know. And that's usually around lunchtime and the phone rings all of three times or so. I'm figuring that in that time, instead of BSing around and being like "zzz" even when they ARE there, I can do the GED studying crapstuff.
I'm really tired when I come home though, but I have to stay up as long as I can until it's a decent hour, else I will end up falling asleep at, say, 6pm and waking up at 4 am which is not good because half-way through the working day, I would be like "*snores*". Well, I already am, but I would be asleep.
My shoulders and ribs still hurt. Yeah it's ribs now! Both sides!! Yay pain is so much fun. I know that the rib thing is most likely from the yoga (Misao didn't believe me, I don't think, hauhau), maybe the shoulder too. In fact, I can probably blame it all on yoga (or me not being in amazing shape). Oh well, they say if you feel it, it's working. I guess if I'm rolling around in agony on the ground, it means I am getting in fantastic shape!!
I had a call earlier that was long distance and I forgot to dial the "1". I was like "WHY who can be busy for that long." My first almost-screw up at work. I won't go into details because work is boring to everyone, but let's just say, I ended up with a sticker on my head that (I wrote) says "DIAL "1" YOU IDIOT" in permanent black marker.
I look so suave with it.
Besides the call thing, I wrote this entire entry last night (but I wrote it as if I was writing it right now) and I'm too busy to check it, so if there are blahrgejh who cares not me okay!
i am a moron