how do you like this japan!?

Feb 19, 2006 12:24

Hurray for the bandwagon. DO IT!!!111

I made scrambled eggs for myself this morning because I make awesome eggs and they were good. Yes.

I had this really bad nightmare where this guy was attacking Kaylen and I with a wooden bat and a metal bat (he was dual-wielding them) and he smashed on my face with his boot and somehow I was able to get the attention of the cops (they were down the street) and he was arrested and we were rushed to the hospital. Everything here is blurry, all I remember is the end where Kaylen was in a wheelchair (he was fine) and he asked where I was, and they said I was in a coma and probably would be for a couple months. And I woke up.

So, yeah, that's happy. Here's some pictures of my hair. Oh goody. Man I hate my neck/that double-chin thing. *shivers* STOP BEING FAT, ME.

This is the hair color. | And unfortunately, it didn't turn out that purple. It was just like deep ruby red.
The lighting is weird though, it's not that red or orange. It was really dark red.

And then this is with my new curling/wavy iron. I'm bad at it, but I'm getting better.
This is also after I had been out for three hours in the cold and rain. It looked better when I first did it.

food, self-dislike/i suck, hair, camwhoring, dreams, meme/survey

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