deck z harrz wiz bahz of horry. fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra.

Dec 25, 2005 04:55

Quick update because it's Christmas and I feel like annoying usagiko :3 Also happy early birthday to my lovely Miyu~ (itsmytimenow)

Merry Christmas. And shit. Yeah. It was 80 degrees today. I hate Texas. It was at least lower than 60 all winter in Florida, as far as I remember, and Christmas was cold.

A couple weeks ago, I bought these really cute reindeer ears with bells on them and I was going to take a Christmas picture with a cute little fansign, but unfortunately, I look like ass and have looked like ass for a while now because I think my hormones are going nutso. So just imagine it. Oh yes I'm so pretty oh yes comments oh yes smother me with love because it's so incredibly cute happy christmas to you too tif. Okay that should cover it.

LOVE COOK and Meru's card arrived on the same day. I looked at Meru's card first because she is my queen. It's so prettiful, and I should take a picture of it. I think I'll do that today, when I scan the LOVE COOK stuff. It's a shame, I might have to break the binding of the LOVE COOK photobook, but she's so gorgeous and I totally want the scans so I can iconify them. Unf. Oh yes, and the album itself was incredibly wonderful.

I've been playing lots of Warcraft because my life consists of nothing else. Aeri, my warrior, is level 51, really close to 52. It's incredibly fun, and I get to do lots of high-end stuff with Scott's 54 paladin. He's immortal, it's crazy. I'm also trying to get Kaylen's priest to 50 because he's a whiny whore and we want to play with him but she's only 44. Should be pretty simple.

I should be done with Order of the Phoenix before school starts (summer). I hope. Usually I don't meet deadlines when it comes to that stuff (must finish third book [and fourth] before movie comes out!!) I always finished them after the movie came out and wasn't allowed to see them until I finished the books.

That's about it, I'm still sort of on hiatus, though I should be done soon. Losing mp3s isn't the end of the world, maybe because I had a lot of them backed up and a lot of my friends have been so very helpful in helping me rebuild. So I should be back and making entries more often pretty soon, because I know you all love me dearly and miss me like crazy. ♥

Hope you all get some nice presents or something, or at least have someone to spend the day with, or do something that makes you happy. But it should be like that every day. Yes. Presents every day. LIEK TEH GIFUTO OF RABU. ♥

world of warcraft, amusement, productivity, :), harry potter, holidays, meru-luff, music, weather

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