Well. Haven't really been doing much. Stuff has been going on but I didn't really post in here because it wasn't really worth it. Finn is helping me with math and stuff, and I'm studying other random stuff now. We tried to do some tarot last night (for me) and it didn't turn out well because I am stupid and she was tired, so it's like "suck."
My dad's friend left sometime this morning, and I had the computer last night, so I thought I would be able to sleep and wake up refreshed because every time I woke up this past week, it has been to screaming and/or other miscellaneous sounds coming from their football game. I am upset, though, because the chair I was going to take was broken on his last day here.. I was like.. "........"
I want to get a job so I can buy teh stuffs. I wanted to get a job with Finn. We wanted to work at a book store, but that's not happening since she said that they only hire 18+. DAMN me being stupid 16 going on 17. 17 going on 18 would be *thumbs up* for this situation but there's nothing I can do about that, so I guess I have to work alone. x_x SO I am back to square one. Going to apply at like Eckerd. Don't know when that will be though because I am overwhelmed with having to start studying.
I should make a list of the things that I need so I don't get my check and go "OMG *spends all*" all frivolous-like.
ZONE's N is on
bunko. I have to resist downloading that too, since it is the second album on my want-list and it's a pretty good chance I'll get that too. Aaaagghhhh.
Well I'm like swamped with GED stuff so I will just post now.
( @ 5:01PM ) Sentence 10: Only when families are more articulate in identitying their needs and when builders and pubic policy become more sensitive to human needs will the nation have a variety of good housing designed, built, and serviced in line with family purposes. <-- I am so glad I am taking this as my practice test!!
The next time you find love, you will not have to pay.
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click here. Hahas.
Hahahaha yeeees *rubs hands together mischievously*