Nov 14, 2005 20:50
Crap, I am really bad with websites. I think I might have to scrap the ZONE fansite and start all over. For now, it needs to be more simple, instead of so heavily graphic dependent, which it is. Albeit, the layout was really cute, I don't think I'll be able to use it until things get up and running, and I'm not thinking "man, I should really finish the site." *10 minutes later* "Aghhh *brainsizzle*". It just needs to be really simple. I think I can accomplish that a lot easier. I hope. We'll see. I'll say... by the end of the year. I wish I knew how to work with flash. :/
We're starting to save money for the new Tiffen computer. Current standings are $201. Part-time job shall hopefully come into play as soon as, well, everything else does. I don't feel like talking about it since I have probably a dozen times now, so anyway, moving on.
I decided to redo my mp3 labeling system. It used to be: artist (album/single title 00) - song title, where 00 = track number. Now it's just 00 - song title, for three reasons. 1) That labeling system was way too long and drove me up a wall, 2) it's more organised, 3) it won't cut off when I burn it to CD. I always had this problem, since there's a file label length when you burn to CD, and it only makes sense to do it now, since I am doing all of this in preparation for CD burning.
I woke up about an hour ago, so I didn't get to call the doctors/etc. I should be able to do that tomorrow because I need to stop being stupid. duhhr. That also pertains to other things. Yes. I am not going to be stupid with stuff. I hope.
i am a moron