tranceorange <-- New layout!! Only in Kenya!!! A couple of
Kenya-related icons to follow (still need to make them...), but for now, we are going to look at apartments. Joyous occasion. Will probably also update time machine, but later. I'm just glad I am awake past noon (although I am doing my typical exhaustion things: shaking a lot, clenching my jaw, and other general restlessness-related things).
I called Kara today. Lots of fun ensued and we talked for about three hours. I need to sing the Kenya song for her because she liked when I sang it and even tried to get it recorded off of the phone (it didn't work, thus why I am recording it for her). I will post it if it is satisfactory, and actually wanted.
Kaylen drove today. I'm so proud *tear* ♥
Oh god I need to go get dressed like now bye.
[@4:13PM] I forgot to change the title omg duh. It's actually Kenya-related now, as opposed to Ai and her vanilla fudge whatsits. Additionally,
this is funny. It's World of Warcraft/Lord of the Rings-related.
Everything is "-related".
Going to see a movie now bye. MAYBE I WILL ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO STAY UP OMG