Eight new icons, hurray. Made four today, and the other four throughout the week. I'm surprised I could make more than two in a day again. My paid account runs out in about a week, so I tried to buy extra user pics for two months (for only $2 holy jesus) until I decided that I needed a paid account again (when I finally make a layout), but it told me I can't have extra userpics without a paid account. ghey!!111 I was going to buy a rename token and rename my journal to "shoujo" but they are $15 and I thought they were $5. Maybe when I get my job.. hopefully nobody will take it, or I might cry. I don't know, I think I'm kind of attached to "tranceorange". Fah.
We went to see War of the Worlds today (first movie seen on opening day), it was pretty good. I was even scared and clung to Kaylen's arm during some parts.
I requested Mizuki Nana's discography on jpopsuki and this guy posted all four of her albums like supersonic (as in quick.. because one of her albums is "supersonic girl"... yes... it's funny). I r liek so grateful. Okui Masami wrote "TRANSMIGRATION" for her, and it's an awesome song, what a surprise. Their voices sound kind of alike too (though Masami is still better by eons, but hey, love for Nana [lollerz]).
Oh, a couple of days ago, I went to the optometrist. I will have new glasses soon, hoolay. I need a camera so bad, I miss camwhoring. cry. We are earning money though, by cleaning the pool and doing some other stuff, so maybe soon.
Oh oh!!11 I might get a kitten. I don't know. I don't think I will have my cat for a while (I doubt that my brother will get his license by September 4th [he is coming here to go to Dallas to see Sakamoto Maaya at animefest, and I told him to bring my cat and my boxes] because he is lazy [though he does have a job wow]), and Kaylen's brother is going back to Maine to go to college. He was going to go here, but he misses his mother or something. But I don't think I can get a kitten until I get a job which I can't get until I get my license ahhhh and they probably won't be hiring anymore by the time I get it.
Someone send me a kitten!!!!!!11
Post your very first icon that you made (if you have it, if you don't, the OLDEST one that you have) along with your newest icon. This will allow you to show how you have improved in iconing skills and tag five friends to see how they have improved.
I'm posting three because it displays best how much I really did suck. What's funny is I thought I was like the shit back then, in terms of iconing. And now I think I'm pretty good, but like a month from now I'll be like "ew wtf", because I look at the stuff that I made last month and I'm like "ew wtf". lollerskates.
And I tag whoever feels like doing it because I don't really care D:
old icons
(rofl, they are all in .gif format...)
new icons