latest frakkin news on BSG

Aug 06, 2008 14:08

The wording of this post is updated everytime there is a new revelation.

10, 11 or 12 more episodes in January 2009 officially, completing season 4 dealing with the fallout of finding earth, the head pple, the fifth cylon and all that jazz.......

BSG has now completed filming as of friday 11th July.

BSG will be broadcast in January to avoid the autumn sports season and up and coming new shows that BSG will have to compete with as well not to mention work in post production.
There is some confusion still as to whether there will be 10, 11 or 12 episodes, this is due to the fact that second half season length is 11/12 hours in total but the last episode could be 3 hours or the extra hours could be used in the new 'Razor' like movie.Nothing is confirmed as regards to this yet.
On June 28th 2008 in an interview with Grace Park in the LA times, she said that there was a greenlight for another Razor like movie with filming beginning in august. The movie will take place chronologically sometime during season 1.

Season 4 Episodes ................Caprica tv series news below

401: Razor
402: Razor
403: He that believeth in me
404: Six of one
405: The Ties that bind
406: Escape Velocity
407: The road less travelled
408: Faith
409: Guess whats coming to dinner
410: Sine Que Non
411: The Hub
412: Revelations

Season 4.5 episode titles

413: Sometimes a great notion
414: The disquiet that follows my soul
415: The oath
416: Blood on the scales
417: No exit

In the words of bill Adama; Further updates as we get them.

Season 4 DVD'S will be available in europe on october 6th.America will be some months later.

Meanwhile 'Caprica' is due to air this winter{ december} with a 2 hour miniseries leading to the actual series{ 51 yrs before the events of BSG}
Filming for the miniseries is now complete and is in the post production stage.
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