Jun 21, 2006 20:12
I remember the times when I had one of my first LJ usernames, jenknee_fur . I remember I had a lot of people added, and the big thing was how many people were on your list and if one of the lj 'socialites' were one of your friends. Haha i remember I had a lot of them, and I tried hard to be friends with them - comment on all their entries, and kiss their ass. I even made friends with one of them and talked to her a lot on aim/msn. Then one day i just grew tired of it and deleted everyone 'fake' who i secretly hated (cutting about half my list) and i ended up growing out of the lj phase and deleting it. It makes me wonder, where the people who i used to be so updated on their life - more or less daily, are now. How their lives have changed and if they were really all that they preached. It's interesting and funny at the same time. I wonder where my friend is now - last time I spoke with her, which was last year, was that she went to UCLA and is living it up in SoCal. It's just funny how i was so young when I had that lj and had so many older people added. But, i guess lj is crazy that way.
yup, i'm still grounded. I'm leaving in a week though from today, so i'm not bumming too much. also, i got my initial drivers permit yesterday. =]