Phung, you rule to the second power. Katherine's livin' it up right now gambling away all her money in Vegas with Grissom and drinking insane amounts of House.
Too bad you couldn't get Grissom to investigate your car break-in. Now that would be an awesome case... "The Mystery of the Girl's Missing CSI Puzzle." And then there could be even more sexual tension between Grissom and Sara because she'd be jealous of you stealing away his nerdy-science-y self. And then you and Sara would mud wrestle and Grissom would crack jokes about flesh-eating beetles to try and cover his discomfort.
I hope you didn't find it creepy and stalker-ish that I reorganized your closet.
(I bet that made so much sense to Jordan. Haha. I love hijacking other people's journals.)
That actually wasn't too far off. :D
Too bad you couldn't get Grissom to investigate your car break-in. Now that would be an awesome case... "The Mystery of the Girl's Missing CSI Puzzle." And then there could be even more sexual tension between Grissom and Sara because she'd be jealous of you stealing away his nerdy-science-y self. And then you and Sara would mud wrestle and Grissom would crack jokes about flesh-eating beetles to try and cover his discomfort.
I hope you didn't find it creepy and stalker-ish that I reorganized your closet.
(I bet that made so much sense to Jordan. Haha. I love hijacking other people's journals.)
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