Oct 17, 2006 23:14
11:01:49 PM insanelikeafish: I HATE THAT CLASS
11:01:57 PM insanelikeafish: it's the most pointless class int he whole world
11:01:59 PM mizdoodles: D:
11:02:14 PM insanelikeafish: hey i've got an idea, why don't we make up a branch of psychology about looking at people from a macro perscpective
11:02:28 PM insanelikeafish: hey that's a good idea, but why don't we try and make it sound like it's 1000 times more important than it really is
11:02:41 PM mizdoodles: :(
11:02:51 PM insanelikeafish: and then build fake careers on that idea that don't pay anything and make you end up being horrible community college teachers
11:02:52 PM insanelikeafish: good idea
11:02:57 PM insanelikeafish: then when you teach the subject
11:03:02 PM insanelikeafish: you can make it sound really important too
11:03:10 PM insanelikeafish: and make it worth the same weight as any other class
11:03:14 PM insanelikeafish: hey why don't we also make it required?
11:03:17 PM insanelikeafish: great idea!
11:03:32 PM insanelikeafish: okay how about this
11:03:36 PM insanelikeafish: when we teach it
11:03:42 PM insanelikeafish: we'll have absolutely no grades
11:03:42 PM mizdoodles: you sound like ze hahah
11:03:45 PM insanelikeafish: just lectures
11:03:54 PM insanelikeafish: good idea, that way the entire class is based off one test!
11:04:02 PM insanelikeafish: that's a really good way to determine how much someone knows!
11:04:12 PM insanelikeafish: especially if they miss the test because they're sick
11:04:19 PM insanelikeafish: they weren't meant to be sociologists anyway
11:04:45 PM insanelikeafish: because everyone who takes sociology dreams of being a sociologist when they grow up
11:04:48 PM insanelikeafish: not just because it's required
11:04:51 PM insanelikeafish: DJGHsDKfglKJSDHLKSFJDHGLKSJHDFGLIJFSHBNv;ilzdhjbsflgivjsdh