Bad LJ Icons TOP TEN

Jun 26, 2006 22:28

Disclaimer: Before I start to do this, I'd like to say that I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, and I hate blinky text. That said, these are the least favourite icons of the couple I've picked out today for being ugly. I've picked ten, but not numbered them, because I think that numbering them would let the ones earlier in the list think that they are some how better than the other autrocitiies farther down in the list.

This is the icon that made me decide to actually make this entry, although I had been thinking about it for a while. I honestly believe that the only thing that keeps this icon from being a terrible failure is the fact that it's not blinking. If it were covered in "glitter" or the letters lit up- I would gouge my own eyes out. But seriously. Just look at that. Look at it!
SHORT VERSION: If you need to say that you have class, you ain't got it.

I love this icon solely for the limited time period that it would be useful. Do people really use their lj-icons for actual communication? Why ask someone a question in the icon itself? Is it hypothetical? Will we ever know?
SHORT VERSION: Whoever this girl is, she's not invited to the party.

I'm sure he is. Thank you, o lj icon of great wisedom.
SHORT VERSION: He is sleasy. With an s.

Hey look. a classy cartoon hooker against a classy yellow sunset backdrop. What's that? There is also classy text declaring that the cartoon hooker is "Miss Ass"? Oh, man! So classy!

Hey look! It's a celebrity! Even better! It's a celebrity with a zoomed in PIP view of JUST HER MOUTH. Beautiful. Just- Beautiful. I also love that they picked such a flattering photo then covered it in photoshop filters. Nothing says Quality Image like layers of photoshop. <3
SHORT VERSION: At least her mouth isn't vomitting glittery sparkles.

Remember earlier? When I said blinking text pissed me off? Yeah. It's icons like this one that make me believe that the world hates me. It's also an angry post break-up icon with the word fuck in it! It completes the trifecta of terrible! Blinks! Boyfriends! Fuck!

  How on earth did she manage to spell the WHOLE word much? Four whole letters? Wow! Do I even need to comment on the fact that clothing was obviously 2 MUCH 4 HER, since she's wearing so little? Crazy whore doll. Put on some pants.

This is one of the least visually appealling icons I've ever seen. The colours are ugly, the jpeg compression is showing, and... well, it's just plain ugly. What does it say about a person when they choose- THAT- to represent themselves online?
SHORT VERSION: DIY icon making for twelve year old girls, gone wrong.

Oh boy! More blinking! This time on a guy's abs! Man whore ahoy! My attention span is waning! I am mesmerized by the blinking and six pack! blinkblinkblink! Help me! I'm trapaaappppped!!! .......
SHORT VERSION: I bet that's code for "I don't actually have a penis"

THIS is livejournal icon HELL. If you are a bad person, and are sent to hell, I do like to imagine that it would look something like this. Text reads: My frenz r special 2 me. But I am not special to them..." Terrible spelling. Attention whorey-text. Blinking. Maybe this is the TRUE trifecta of Bad LJ. Speel! Emo! BLINKBLINKBLINK! Look at it. Look at it, in all its terrible, terrible failure. Am I the only one filled with hate and rage? HATE AND RAGE?
Long story short: At least looking through all those terrible icons netted me a couple that I'm using now. (One even has *gasp* blinking text!) This was fun. I might try to do it again sometime.

icons, top ten, ugly, list, bad

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