Apr 05, 2014 15:07
I think I need to change from having quarterly goals to something that more closely matches the rhythm of the school year, at least while I'm still a student. I have a month left of classes and it really doesn't make much sense to me to try to set goals for what is going to be an awful two weeks of crapping out some shitty final projects that I don't care about then a complete change of pace for May/June as I head into my first practicum placement.
Things I care about this quarter:
Things I don't care about:
I'm looking forward to teaching middle school science, and I hope that I can make it as fun as possible (there is a seventh grade lab assignment I want to do that basically just involves CRUSH CRUSH CRUSHING things, and I think that's going to be amazing).
As much as I hate school and am bored and frustrated with it, however, I'm pretty happy with all the rest of my life and how I spend most of my time. I've been spending a lot of my time volunteering and helping friends and listening to audiobooks and reading for pleasure and knitting sweet socks and I like my job and the people I work with... I just hate that school is all boring frustrating busy work and I'm learning nothing. I wish it were harder, and that the only challenge I felt wasn't how-to-motivate-myself. Because it's shitty to get stuck pumping out boring go-nowhere worth-nothing projects just to get through to graduation. Shit feels like high school all over. vom