So things are ok and I am ok and ok is a good place to be.
Some goals for this quarter:
- Food: making good progress towards eating better. I have a weekly meal-planner on my fridge and have been pretty good about sticking to it. I sometimes end up eating leftovers rather than whatever was scheduled for that day, but I'm OK with that, it's still healthy food. This is working, I've lost a little weight, and now I'm back to my top Ottawa weight (finally). Keep at it, Heather.
- Exercise: I've been to the gym three times a week for all of September. Finally getting back into the routine of being active- I'm ramping it up slowly, but I'd like to get back into weight lifting before the new year. I've also been going to yoga. Our yoga lady is pretty amazing. She's really good at letting you know exactly what to move how, and diagnosing what isn't working about a pose for you. It's about 3$ a session, because I'm a student, and definitely worth every penny.
- School: I don't really have a lot to think about here. I'm in six courses, and will be writing exams for my summer classes this month, so I'll have a full plate here. I'm pretty busy, but also not concerned (at the moment?) about marks or homework or assignments, things are fine.
- Mental Health: Winter is coming, and so is dark cold long dreary days and with all that: S.A.D. So I have an appointment to visit the clinic and get myself some pills. I'm feeling ok right now, but less ok when it's cloudy/rainy, and this is something that is best dealt with proactively, before I become a mopey sad sack.
Fall is going pretty well so far. I feel like I'm hitting my stride. I'm supported by great friends, I'm back to studying, and I'm working on a few little side projects... and I feel so much saner living above ground and with a cat. I'm getting myself healthy, healthy all over.