Horse Riding

Jan 25, 2008 20:33

Hello again,
   So I finally got to upload some more photos! There are still tons more, there are about 100 just from the glacier walk so I will put those up another time. However, I did manage to get the photos from my horse back ride up. This was the Ride of the Rings, where I got to ride through a few of the filming areas, and got to see where they filmed for Isengard which was pretty sweet. Apparently that area is used a lot for filming, to name a few: LOTR, Chronicles of Narnia: Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian, Willow...aaand currently filming for the prequel to the X-men movies, Wolverine. I actually got to see part of the set which will be blown up in the coming weeks, and I guess Hugh Jackman is somewhere around here in Queenstown. Pretty cool. The ride was awesome, got to even do a little trotting and cantering (aka, go fast). The weather has been absolutely perfect for the trip so far, crossing my fingers that it stays that way! After the ride I also managed to get on the lakeside beach for a little sunbathing, hopefully I come back with more than just very tan arms!
  Only have about a week left, and there will be lots of traveling in that week. Tomorrow is a four hour ride to Dunedin (pronounced doon-EEE-din). Maybe some penguins and more beach after checking into the Hogwartz hostel. Also, for you Harry Potter fans, I stayed in the Harry Potter suite in one hostel, and in Wellington the train station has a wall painted as Platform 9 3/4. Will make sure to get a picture when I come back into Wellington. I fly back on the 31st and will be back on the east coast on Feb. 1st after a very very very long day of traveling. Until then I will try to get as many photos up as I can, and hopefully some of you get my postcards before I come home! Anyways, time to go to bed so I can get up for my 7am bus ride, woot! Hope all is well!
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