Feb 05, 2008 03:32
I don't like the 'going' of going to sleep. And I don't like going to sleep hungry.
yesterday i wore a large patch of topical lidocaine on my leg - strange cold wet sensation replaces pain, and then nothing, just sort of stiff. The patches (2) are a gift from V in NYC. People give me drugs, which I never get around to using until its been a rainy day for at least a month of rainy days....I still have a manilla envelope full of some kind of antidepressant from F via T in NZ, a handful of percocet from J in CO, sleeping pills from someone i dont even remember his name its been so long from VT; and some other things that I forgot what they are. Oh and tonight someone gave me...how much is that, a year??? of testosterone, enough to sink a serbian battleship.
angel of history, if you're listening, i appreciate the stocking stuffers, truly i do, but i know there are other people who could use these drugs before i ever will.
Seek for food and clothing first, then
the Kingdom of God shall be added unto you.
Hegel, 1807