max with tobias day 3 notes

Apr 22, 2007 08:14

trigger object:

if you put no arguement in it, it will create two integer outlets. it has intellegence, ie.. you wouldnt use it if there wasnt something to trigger, neccesistating at least two outlets.

if you dont give it an arguemetns, it has a default setting.


whenever an object waits for a bang, an object which is exclusively waiting for a bang, ie wiat for a bang is defined,
ex. a trigger object waits for a bang, (if defined with a 'b' arguement)
it will react only as a bang, not as anything else, i.e. a number. Anything a msg, a list, a number, it will output a bang, and only at the bang outlet.

ie when an object has int outlet, it waits for a number, and when activated only outputs a number. the int doesnt recognise anything after a decimal, so be careful sending flaots to an int

in max everythign is about banging.
bang comes from the beginning of computing, its basically the one time msg on switch for a proccess, a start sign -- ie start this porccess.


patches and sub

you will have one for image gathering, another for image selection, another for porjection, etc, connected with recieve and send objects, activated by bangs.

another way to connect sub patches, is via inlets and outlets.


you cant send a sound file thru a gate until it has a tilde in the gate object.

input output proccessing,
biquad object:

lowpass --low freqs are allowed thru
bandpass --midrange
bandstop -- no midrange
high shelf/low shelf, each allows you to manipulate the sound wave filtering either the high or low.


a crowd of people is louder than one person


the uzi object is a multibang

send a number to its left inlet, and it will send that many bangs

the uzi is hot, it is loaded, it has some load inside, for example 53 patterns for example. so you can shoot for 53 times

inlet on the left shoots a certain number of bangs, inlet on the right loads a certain number of bangs.

to make patch cords, hold and click
to make segmented patch cords, click once and let go, click at each point where you want the cord to bend.

click on the cord in a patch to see

metro object

basically a metronome, sets a pulse for a bang, i.e .automatically generated bang in milliseconds.

sex, mood, hwks, max, tobias

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