May 18, 2004 01:59
so, it has been over three weeks. i'm quite settled in and accustomed to things at home again. i don't have a car most of the day, but for most of the day i don't really have anything to do. i talk online, do some sort of chore around the house, read some sort of political commentary literature, watch cnn, and put off cleaning my room. i've never really gotten around to finishing it. come evening-time, i usually have no plans.
if someone calls me, i'll do something. yet, those plans typically materialize into renting a movie or going to see one. there is little exciting going on here. today, katy, beth, and i met some random dude when we were at john's. he kept complaining about how boring it is in erie. it was quite obvious that although we get sortof annoyed with the disparity in "entertainment" between college and home (sorry,'s true) we're pretty complacent. though our options are limited, beth and i have no shame in claiming our titles as "dollar movie queens."
i've gotten used to being without steve. i still miss him a lot but i'm always able to put a positive spin on it. yet, it's getting more and more difficult to do that as i enjoy talking to him more and more...and just wish that we could instead talk face-to-face. i just hope i can see him soon. it's already been too long. i've gotten used to being without erica and evan, too. but along the same line, i miss them most when i'm talking to them. it's all to redolent of the dozens of hours we must have past sitting in my room with a bag of popcorn, with maroon five blaring in the background beneath our silly conversations about boys, girls, and roommates.
but, soon i'll start my training for lifeguarding at splash lagoon and time will fly. there will be more 75 cent tuesdays and there will be parties at melinda's and bonfires at kates (i hope :))...there will be more sitting around "making plans." and there will be more sitting at home without plans. there will be more random trips to edinboro for pizza and for punk. there will be phonecalls, text messages, and roadtrips. and there will be sleeping in. speaking of which, goodnight. :)