March April

Apr 05, 2008 18:43

It's been a while, and I'm bored. I figured it was as good as time as any to update this dusty old journal.
Wedding plans are coming along. The only thing we need to figure out is the food for our in-town reception. I'm not overly concerned about it, for some reason. I'm in this mode where it seems like it's so far away that I don't need or want to worry about it right now. At least we have a location for the wedding and in-town reception, we have a cake maker reserved and I have a general idea of how I want the decor. There's also this side of me that loves the planning aspect of it...but I don't want to wait. I want to plan it now and it should happen next week or so. Since that's not the case, it doesn't seem as fun for some reason.
I suppose I should tell about the wedding plans.
We're going to Gulf Shores, AL for a ceremony on the beach. I cannot wait!! It will be mostly family with a few friends in there. Some of us will be staying in a house right on the beach. It's a gorgeous house, at least from the pictures. We'll leave Cincy on August 13 to drive to his parent's home in Nashville. We'll wake up the next morning to drive the rest of the way. Obviously, we will need to take care of some things that others won't (you a marriage license) and we'll check into the house on Thursday. I anticipate a little free time on Friday to relax a little before the big day. The actual ceremony will be on August 16 at 6 pm (I think...). I have no idea how long we'll stay in Gulf Shores, or where we'll go the next week. I guess that depends on the $$ we've racked up by then!
Wow, I just realized this is really boring. This is what my life has come to - boring things!
But really...that's what happens when you get old. I mean, I wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, go to bed and do it all over again during the week. Weekends have been spent looking at furniture or wedding things or other random tasks. I have no more spring breaks or summers free to spend how I wish. If only I had become a teacher.... I don't necessarily mind...I just wish we only had to work 4 days a week...or that we were given four weeks paid vacation automatically with any job. If only. Should you know of any state, or country, that offers benefits like that, please let me know. I might be willing to move for something like that...
Bryan is at his brother's watching the Final Four games. He joked with his brother that he'd have to ask "the boss" to see if he was allowed. I don't mind that he went...but I kinda hate it when he's not here. At least he's not out smoozing (I think I made up that word) with random hussies.
This is the dumbest entry I've ever written. I'm going now.
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