some I don't forget...

Jan 17, 2007 22:43

January 13, 2007 - Catching up with old friends and reminiscing. Seeing a friend happy with his new wife. Holding hands with Bryan as we walk through Best Buy. Falling asleep in his arms while watching The Illusionist.

January 14, 2007 - Sleeping for as long as I want with little interruptions!

January 15, 2007 - Surviving a shopping excursion with my mother. Hearing his voice and talking to him for over an hour, even when I know he's so tired he just wants to lay there and finally fall asleep.

January 16, 2007 - Going to work and feeling productive. Chicken and dumplings for dinner!! Laughing at American Idol with Shelly.

January 17, 2007 - Being pleasantly surprised with pizza and an ice cream cake for lunch by some coworkers. Feeling productive for the second day in a row, on top of a full 8-hour work day. (I don't get those really ever now...I wish my job was full time!)

January 18, 2007 - My niece's 5th birthday! And Grey's is on tonight. So I can update this in advance. ;)

I'm taking a giant step in updating it even further, but I know some weekend plans. I know these will be good things...

January 19, 2007 - Dragging Bryan to Maggie Moo's so I can get Better Batter ice cream with mini gummi bears mixed in! I can't wait! Also, the possibility of going to Ruby Tuesday's or Max and Erma's for dinner. Either way I'd be happy.

Okay, that's all I'm going to do. I'm not sure why I continue to put 2007 in each date line. Perhaps it is because I'm anal and I need consistency in everything I do. Perhaps it is because I like the year 2007 so far. Perhaps I really don't know the answer and I'm trying to find ways to justify my craziness and/or anal retentitiveness. Whatever it is, I'm going to continue.

Other random things...
I like that it's cold out, since it is January and all. This is a double-edged sword, however. My car likes to break when it's cold. I'm not even going to begin to list the ways in which it breaks...I'm just going to leave it at that.
American Idol is cracking me up. The way the season is going thus far, I could be the next Idol! (I don't really mean that...but after some of the auditions...)
I rather enjoy that shows are starting up new again. This is another double-edged sword though. I haven't watched much tv lately. Really at all. Just Buckeyes games, Bengals games, other football and the occasional "I'm going to turn it on at night just for the noise" use. Now that I'm watching tv, I have to be back home at certain times...I have to have conversations with certain people earlier... I guess it's not really all that bad, but still. I need to adjust to the new tv schedule.
I need to visit with Melissa, Adam and Anna again soon. It's been nearly a full week!
I also need to find time to visit Todd and Lexi, whenever he has her. He was supposed to have a birthday party for her this weekend, but I guess Heather and her new husband and child are going somewhere? I don't know. I only got part of the story from Mom, so who knows what it means.
I'm dropping my application off at West Chester tomorrow. KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED. This is the almost-exact-if-my-internship-would-have-been-a-career-there job I did when I interned. I reallllllly need this. If I don't get it, it's time to start applying for anything, anywhere. That includes anywhere in the country. I'm going to be bold. (And make Bryan, Melissa, Adam, Anna, Shelly and the boys go with me. And Katy. And anyone else who wants to come.) ;)
I really like my new glasses.
I'm wearing them right now.
Bryan changed his default picture on MySpace to one of him and me. :-D
I still have two people who are without their Christmas gifts. Hmm. They'll get them...eventually.
That's all for now. I gotta hit the hay!

american idol, jobs, happy

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