Nov 19, 2008 22:36
I'm surprised I lived to see November after our Halloween party... …. ….
We managed to start a goth nightclub in my bedroom, see a ninja get her head stuck in a window, have an 80's cartoon singalong, go to the convenience store in costume, and witness a human butterfly/fly/thing. It DOES exist.
Anyhow ::cough:: the days fly by. When did it get so cold? It seems like only yesterday I could run around Northampton as a zombie news reporter without a coat or care in the world.
Last Wednesday Tony and I went to New Haven to see Bruce Campbell and the “My Name is Bruce” movie at a beautiful, beer-serving, cinema. It was funnier than Spaceballs. Seriously. Tony was thrilled when he got to ask Bruce a question. Bruce Campbell actually prank-called some girl’s parents, too. That was amusing. At first I didn’t want to go because I hate spontaneous outings and surprises, but I am sooo glad we went. Bruce seems like a really cool guy. On Saturday we went to a supposed Twilight party at Borders, but no one was in costume! Lame! Sadly, it was no party, boring, and even though our costumes weren't really distinct, we both felt uncomfortable and OLD. (LOL.)
Later on in the week, I got to cat-sit for my aunt. Whisper and Tanis are two of my fave kitties. They’re both so different. I love them!!!! Snuggable kitties and a hot tub, life was good. I love that hot tub. I MISS that hot tub. ::Sigh::
In other news, are people born goth or do they have gothness thrust upon them? Me, well, I'm not goth even though I do look like a vampire. However, when my fave goth band Cruxshadows comes to town, it does not matter if I have to get for work at 6:30 in the morning. Julie and I have been fans for awhile. Their music is awesome, they have lovely and talented dancer girls, and Rogue is just an expert showman. He frieken pulls people on the stage at the end of the concert-something I always look forward to. ((Marilyn My Bitterness)) The songs are actually quite poetic and rather optimistic/pleasant for a goth band.
Also, today is Tony's birthday so wish him a good one (even though it is currently sucking because he's been at work all day).