Feb 26, 2005 22:41
omgg hah yesterday was soo fun tayler spent the night and so did kortney and tanni cuz there mom went on a cruise with their step dad so like they r stayin wit me and anywayz we all went to the movies last night and we saw boogie man LMAO every1 was gettin pissed cuz we kept screamin and taylor omgg she was soooo scared lol she was like squeezing mii hand off and like had her face jagged into mii leg and she kept saying "omg omg i hate this movie" lol it was really funny but mii hand hurt lol and omggg!! PEDRO LIKES ME! : ] lmao it was funny these mexican guyz came up to me and where like mii friend pedro likes u and then they pinted to him and i was like uhh hey pedro and he like just smiled it was funny lol! VOTE FOR PEDRO! hehe and yea we saw like EVERYONE there mii god but yea it was funn then today we went to the mall i got earings and bright bright pink nail polish its sooo barbiesh lol i love it soo me! and yea but mii moms b/f is staying wit us sooo i cant dress like i normally do cuz i walk round like practically naked copmpared to mii mom i just wear like tanks tops and u know those like boot cut short things like boy shorts or w/e there called well those things and yea sooooo i cant dress normal in mii own house but they r all like lovey dovey lol but she has been sleepin out on the couch and he is in her room [[weird]] but w/e! well luv ya guyz and omgg mii b-day is on tuesday! whoo hoo : ]
call me x--<3 cheLs